March 30, 2010

What's Up With "the blogging thing" ?

I received a phone call this morning from my daughter wanting to know what was "up with the blogging thing", because I hadn't posted since Saturday.
She says she likes to "read me" to keep up with what I'm doing....
She is so funny.
I told her I was busy trying to get the art workroom completed.
I posted one side of it last week, but the other side is the really difficult one to put together because of all the laces and fabrics I need to include.
She told me to post what I had gotten done, so I am.
Hopefully, I can show the entire area sometime this week.
I''m really happy with the space I have and it will be much easier to work on my projects while here at the Shoppe.
Take a look around, and promise not to judge.....
There's still a lot to do! A bird's eye view....not complete, but getting there.
Vintage ribbon and trims I use on my sweaters and bags.....
The old velvets are my favorites.

As spring comes and our time gets less and less, I thank you even more for stopping by. Although I am not much of a "commenter",

I do visit all of your blogs and enjoy each and every one.

Make your Day Great!


  1. I love your space! It's very decorative,bit creative chaotic, inspiring and so cosy...
    Thank you for sharing!
    Best wishes

  2. So glad I stopped in your shop today. I love my lavender sachet and rose soap and candle. Always neat to meet another Etsy seller!


  3. I would love to be able to be as creative as you, sadly I am not but I do get inspiration by reading your blog ;) thanks for posting!

  4. I think your workroom looks fabulous with all your great supplies within reach. My heart just melted over your "White family" what a bunch of sweet doggies. Bless your hearts for being a rescuer. You are a special family to do that!
    hugs and blessings,

  5. Jana,
    You are a brave girl to show your workroom and you know what, it looks wonderful! Shows all that pretty creativity going on in there.


  6. love your creative space! isn't it funny how our kids are keeping tabs on us :)

  7. Jana amor, I LOVE and could just live in your creative space...look at all your treasures! do you leave there each day? oh wait...I have a beautiful home too :) Have a lovely week! Besos, Rose

  8. It looks great to me! I could work in that environment with all those wonderful trims and fabrics....just delightful!

  9. Hi Jana

    Sorry to say I judged immediately - and I'm in love!

    Have fun!

  10. Look at all this loveliness! I just adore lace and trims....ahhhhhhhh, gorgeous!

    I hope you have such a wonderful day my dear, sweet friend.


  11. I'm so in love with your space! It's simply charming with all the lace and trims! Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Smiles...Lovey


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.