March 31, 2010

Well............This Certainly Made My Day!

Imagine opening up your email and reading....
"Congratulations, your project has been accepted for an article in Somerset".
I wasn't going to tell anyone until the issue I am going to be in is actually out,
But they work so far in advance that I just couldn't hold it in.
I will keep the specific publication a secret and the project as well,
But simply tell you that I am honored to be included with all of the incredible talent they feature time and time again........
Who says Marketing Plans don't work!

Thank you for stopping by today......

If anyone has a wonderful home and would like to share it with an adorable white puppy, Please feel free to let me know.

The "White Family" is destined to become the White~Holland family......
My oh my.


  1. Congrats, you're talent needs to be showcased. Looking forward to seeing it!

  2. Congratulations Jana!!
    Thats a great tribute and honor! Wow! Enjoy this to the full!

    I hazard a guess that the >Fairies in Jars< is your article?!

    Best wishes

  3. Congratulations, Jana! I am soo happy for you! Television and now the publishing world....there is no stopping you now!

  4. That's awesome! I don't think I'd be able to hold it in either:)
    Congrats girl!

  5. Jana, you must think you're in Dreamland! TV and magazines...ahhhh, a celebrity!
    Enjoy it and keep us updated when you're published!!!!

  6. Congrats!!! I got an email this week as well telling me I would be in a future issue, but am afraid that if I tell anyone I'll jinx it!!

  7. Jana,
    That is awesome!

    I'm trying to get up the nerve to submit something, but..... not yet. =)


    barbara jean

    PS My post is up.

    Have a Blessed EAster


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.