March 18, 2010

~~~~I Waited As Long As I Could~~~~

Months ago I posted about my old canopy awning finally biting the dust..literally.
The hail storm came and it was ripped to shreads all over the ground.
I really hated to lose that quaint part of my old building, but I also really loved the light it let shine in through my six big windows.
So my vision was to grow beautiful wisteria vines up onto the corners of the building where it would wind around the old metal frame and simply cascade down throughout the open frame, eventually covering the entire area across the front of the building.......
Very European, I must say:)....especially for lil ol' Texas
I've waited and waited through the longest winter ever, and have now planted my vines......
Because I bought the biggest I could find, I think they will start to cover the ends very nicely, very quickly....
They are absolutely delicious!

Not far to go before it is up on the old framework and starting to create a wisteria canopy!

Thank you for stopping by today.....

I always love it when you come!


  1. I look forward to enjoying your canopy of wisteria in the future, Jana!

  2. It HAS been a long winter hasn't it ? We here in Texas are not use to this kind of "treatment" from one of the coldest winters on record in these parts.
    Glad you have the growth you do have on your will be wonderful when they are all grown over and hanging down for your customers to enjoy.

    Keep us posted on their progress..i did not realize they grew THAT FAST.


  3. Jana amor, I LOVE wisteria, this year I have quite a few blooms and you know what?? I never knew they smelled so good! I was sitting on my porch yesterday when I smelled something so yummy and walked around to see what it was...the lilac colored flowers are the only thing that is blooming right now on that side of the house...and to think my white and 2 other purples got thrown in the bin, cause my mama thought they were dead a few winters ago :) I forgot to braid the vines this year though darn it, it makes it like a tree and grows so strong, I think I will try that before all the leaves come in :) Enjoy the beauty and the delish fragrance! Besos, Rose

  4. They are beautiful. I adore wisteria and have planted a few of my own last year. But however mine are very small right now. This year I may splurge and get some large ones.

  5. Good job Jana. We will have to come by and root them on. Now lets get started on that garden.


  6. Oh Jana, I hate the thought that your beautiful canopy awnings were ruined! I am so behind on blogging that I just found out about the loss. Love the idea for the climbing wisteria, what a lovely canopy it will make. I hope you have wrapped them for protection against this Winter storm that has appeared. First with a blanket for warmth and then plastic to keep that blanket dry.


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