March 9, 2010

~White Wednesday & Nice Does Matter~

Not only does my Shoppe sell wonderful vintage and antique items, but
I also like to have a few things for the "artist" in all of us.
That's why I have put together a large cabinet with just little snippets of things to use in altered art and mixed media projects.
But they also look beautiful displayed as is.
This is a precious little antique sheet music cone.
It has an old white velvet millinery rose on the front and a vintage napkin tucked inside.
It works beautifully with a place setting of silverware.
Your guest can then take the cone home if they like as a sweet memento of their evening. I also have an old cigar box full of vintage white buttons, most still on cards.

And as difficult as it is, I also have added some antique and vintage laces for sale......
I just adore this stuff.
. Also a drawer full of hearts in various sizes.....
All cut from antique quilts and ready for projects.

There's also old wooden spools wrapped with antique sheet music......

I've been careful to use the phrases and titles where they can be read.

Vintage Bakelite dominoes are great for all kinds of projects...

But I like them in a jar as art.

Of course, organza roses atop an old perfume bottle display beautifully and can easily hold your glitter or small beads.

Old crochet thread can be used on any number of projects...wrapped, sewn, glued, or hung.

And always the reminder in the Shoppe to myself, as well as to customers.........

Because in this busy world I think we all have a tendency to forget....

Nice does Matter, doesn't it!

Want to see more beautiful whites today? Visit Kathleen at Faded Charm to see what the other have ready for you this's never disappointing and always inspiring.
Thank you for stopping by today....
I always love it when you come.


  1. FAntastic post. Loved every photo and all that you have done. Very creative and talented YOU are!! I like the bakelite dominoes too. Thanks for sharing such a great post today with all your unique whites.

  2. Lots of goodies!...I could have so much fun with them!

  3. Gorgeous foofy white goodies. And yes, indeed, nice does matter. Have a nice week! ~ Angela

  4. What a yummy collection of treasures for the artist!

    Hey, I put my dominoes in an apothecary jar, too! Great minds! :-)


  5. On Friday everyone was being grumpy at my house, so I grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote that on my chalkboard! Loving your images. Thank you, Karyn

  6. Dearest pals Marley, Baby, Punkin', Becca, Bob and Lola Bear -

    Please tell your Jana that this is a very beautiful post!!! But I am so glad that my girl doesn't live closer, because I can see my catnip allowance gone missing if "she" was let loose in Jana's shop ;)

  7. Nice definitely does matter! And I love all of your wonderful whites, especially those buttons and the bakelite dominoes!

    Kat :)

  8. Hi Jana, oohh, love all that vintage lace and buttons! Old cigar boxes are a favorite of mine, so seeing all that good stuff displayed looks so yummy!
    Hope you're having a wonderful WW!

  9. Oh, I love all old sewing notions. So much I could do with that! Lovely pictures!


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