April 30, 2010

Pink Saturday w/the "Finished Product"

Weeks ago I posted about this little table and chairs.
I shared a picture in my post yesterday, but with little detail.
So I had to bring you up to date.
I had woven the chairs, but had no idea how to complete the top of the table as there was absolutely nothing there.
We discussed glass, but that was much too dangerous for children.
We thought about an acrylic top.....but then it was acrylic.
Wood was just too heavy for the airiness of the cute little chairs....
So, this is the finished product.
A top of decoupaged fabrics matching the chairs with a poly resin glaze over the top for durability and usability .
I liked the way it turned out...and so did someone else.
Because it already sold.
Thanks to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting our Pink Saturdays each an every week. If you would like to join in the fun or see what the other's have prepared for you this week, just jump on over.....pinks are always good!
Thank you for stopping by today....
I always love it when you come.......

April 29, 2010

A Day @ the Shoppe w/o Electricity & Art Gone Bad

The electricity went out today when the wind blew a transformer behind my building.
I was working online, and was absolutely devastated that I couldn't finish my projects.
But then something wonderful happened......
I didn't want to just close, but I needed something to do for the last five hours of the day.
The bulk of my customers come before 2:00 so there weren't many of them to keep me busy.
I was forced to "entertain" myself.
My good friend has always told me that I play very well by myself...and I do.
So, out came the projects that needed to be completed...and w/o electricity.
While the light was still coming through the French doors I painted these two tiles.

Different styles of roses, but both fun to paint!

And the luggage rack made from a wooden TV tray stand...of course, my wonderful antique tapestry ribbon adds a lot.

And some of you might remember the little table and chairs I posted about weeks ago.
I had completed the chairs with a rag weave technique, but didn't know how to do the table.
As you can see, I went with decoupaging the top with the same fabrics.
It now needs to dry completely and a top coat of acrylic pour resin will be added to make it
durable and usable.

And then, I made some rag covered fabric hangers.
These are bamboo and the fabric came from my scrap bin.....
I really like these.

Then there is the "art gone bad".
Last week I had glued a doll's head onto a wooden candlestick and painted it white.
Once it was painted, the features really looked African American, although it was a "white" baby to begin with??? I stared at her a couple of days and decided to get funky with her and add some dowel arms.....and she really started to get strange.
BUT, as soon as I added some glazing....oh my, she got scary. I thought if I started decking her out with ribbons and clothes, it would somehow change her. But when I added the little baby cap, well, she got "gangsta" on me.

And then when you saw the face glazed, well, she just got scary.......and I "got" no idea what to do with her.......hey, LuLu....this freaky enough for 'ya????????! ;0

A day without electricity does strange things.
Let's hope they get it fixed tonight ;)

April 28, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #15

Each Thursday I share a quick project that has what I think to be a good return on your time.
This week I am showing you vintage French embroidered ribbon made into beautiful bookmarks.
I have never been one to "dog ear" a page in a magazine or book, wanting to keep it like new, and although I generally use anything I can find to mark my spot, these are a much more beautiful way to accomplish that.....
And isn't it the small things done right in life that make it wonderful.
To create your own bookmarks, use any beautiful ribbon of your choice, jewelry findings, and quick ribbon end clips (I buy my at Joanns in the jewelry department)
Simply cut the ribbon to the desired length.
Fold over each end approximately 1/4" and iron flat.
Clip a ribbon fastener to each end and secure with pliers.
Embellish the bottom end with jewelry findings, beads, and charms.
Tie a sweet 1/2" silk ribbon to the top fastener.
AND, you're done.

These were all made for the upcoming Trade Days on May 15th.
It is a low price point for those people wanting to buy something,
But not spend a lot of money....and the ribbons are gorgeous!

Thank you for stopping by today.
If you ever have anything you would like to share with others,
Just grab my button and let me know......
Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart did, so go check her out!

I'd love to have you and it's always fun to share!

April 27, 2010

My White Wednesday~~~Trays fromTrash

I am very pleased with how all of these trays turned out....
However, I am even more pleased with the fact I didn't have to spend a dime to make them.
All existing inventory of old frames, a little paint, and even glass left over from other projects.
Combine that with some of my stash of antique laces and handles.....and
Viola'.....sweet trays for tea or for use on your vanity. Large 11x14" reticulated edge brass frame....and I adore this old piece of lace.
Imagine this with your perfumes and trinket boxes.

And this funky one for your entry way to hold your mail and car keys....

Big enough for a teapot and two cups and saucers......afternoon tea favorite!

for the coffee table to hold the remotes.

And a large
favorite of mine.....beautiful in the center of your table just as is..

And another one perfect for your vanity items.....and the only one I have to spend money on....
Because I broke the glass :(

And all for the Trade Days Flea Market May 15th.
Thank you, Kathleen, for hosting such a wonderful weekly event. If you want to see more whites or join in the fun, simply visit her at Faded Charm Cottage for all the details.
Thank you for stopping by today...
I always love it when you come!

April 26, 2010

Samovors, Herbs, and Dogs!

Several weeks ago I remember seeing a photo in either a magazine or blog where the person had planted inside different vessels and such.
It was such a cute idea, I immediately started digging around in boxes in the garage for containers I knew I had stored away.
I came up with these four samovors and coffe pots that no longer worked, drilled holes in the bottom for drainage, and planted wonderful herbs.
What a sweet presentation for your kitchen window or counter.
And a great way to repurpose items that no longer function as they once did.
These will be in the upcoming Trade Days sale.

And then I turn around and Effie is climbing out of the fish pond....you may remember she is part of the "White Family" that came to "visit" about a month ago (seems longer :)......
They say once you name them, they are yours.
And how could you not love a face like this....dirt and all?
I do love my mammals!

April 24, 2010

~~~~~I'm Keepin' An Eye on YOU!~~~~~~

In the midst of a busy life,
I am often reminded of the important things.......
Have a beautiful weekend and thank you for stopping by....
I love it when you come!

April 23, 2010

It's a Random Post.....{But Right on Target}

It seems that from this point forward, until May 15th, all I can think about or prepare for is the Trade Days Flea Market I host each May and October.
The banners for the May 15th sale went
Up on the building today reminding everyone that passes by when the sale will be this year.
This will be the seventh sale since I've opened.
I always tell my daughter after each one that I don't think I will do the sales anymore.
But then, just like the pain of childbirth, you forget the bad and remember the good,
And do it all over again.......silly, silly me (:o)
I'm really, really excited about the caliber of dealers I have this year.
I downsized the number of dealers this year so I had
The ability to do an "invitation only" venue.
Not all are seasoned dealers, which makes it great. They bring their families estates for a one time sale, but they also bring items when have not ever been for sale before.
I call these "virgin treasures".
I also have a long time Warrenton dealer and a couple of ones that do Canton.
And then several regulars that everyone looks forward to each sale......
So, I am excited this year.....and I can't wait to SHOP!
With the roses right below........
And then, just something that came my way today.
An absolutely gorgeous antique secretary
I am one lucky

Thank you for stopping by today......have a beautiful & blessed weekend!

April 21, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #14~Embroidered Doilie Brooch Tuffets

Welcome to Quick Project Thursday #14 where I share various quick projects that can be completed in an afternoon with little effort and a lot of return on your time.
These little tuffets are perfect to display your collection of vintage brooches or even hatpins.
To complete one of these cuties, choose a small vintage vanity scarf with crochet edges or tatting.
Sometimes you have to play around with piece to see exactly how the embroidered pattern will fall when folded and sewn into a small tuffet pillow.
I like the top to fold over like an envelope would, giving added detailing to the front. Once you have decided how you want your pattern to fall, simply pin and press.
At your sewing machine, stitch around the edges on the inside rim of the lace or crochet......as a quilter would say....stitch in the ditch so the seam is somewhat concealed.
Leave a small 3" opening for stuffing with cotton or poly fiber fill and whip stitch the opening closed.....Adorn with your favorite brooches and display on your vanity or dresser........
It's a great way to reuse the small doilies that just seem to stay in the boxes because you don't know what to do with them or where to display them.
The thing I really like about the project is not only does it recycle these beautiful pieces, but the way they are put together doesn't compromise the integrity of the original piece as it could easily be taken apart and become "original" again. And a shameless plug........only because I worked so hard today loading a lot of new items into my Etsy Shop.
I'm trying something new by including not only items I have made, but some of my vintage finds as well......
I normally list only on Ebay, but am experiencing a "love~hate" relationship with them lately.....being, I love the money, but hate the policies:).....
This is one of the new items listed....hope you will take some time and check it out!

And as always
, I thank you for stopping by today.
You can find another quick project from Tina at Beansie Babbles and also Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart, so please stop by and see their great ideas this week too....and be sure and tell them I sent you.

April 20, 2010

Another White Wednesday~~~~~~AND, It's Good to be Queen!

I know that's true.....
because I have a sign that says so :)

If you that guessed this was going to be a crown......
Well, you were right......just not the fru fru bed canopy topper everyone thought.
Rather a tribute to Mary Englebriet who reminded us each issue.....


Even, if self appointed!!!!!

Join the others today for a beautiful White Wednesday hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm Cottage by using the button on my sidebar.....it's always fun.

April 19, 2010

~~~Keepin' It Green~Recycled Candle Wax~~~

I have made soap and candles to sell in my Shoppe since I opened four years ago.
I also like to burn my own candles giving everyone a chance to see how wonderfully fragrant they are and how well the fragrance throws itself......
Because I do burn my own candles, I also have the remnants of used candles.
I know how expensive the wax is, and I just can't throw it away.
That's why I have always recycled it into fun container candles for sale as well.
All you have to do is melt the wax remnants in a double broiler, add a little additional fragrance and pour into your miscellaneous cups and creamers for a really fun presentation.
Wicks can be easily found at any craft shop....
And that is the only "new" thing you will need for the project, which keeps your cost really low.
These are a few I've made for the Trade Days in May.

Of course, this is not a new concept......pouring candles into dishes.
I do hope, though, it has given you a new purpose for all that candle wax you
Just toss in the trash....
One more way of keepin' it green!