April 1, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #11~YoYo Flowers

I will start off this project by telling you right up front "I cheated".
Yep, I did and the original idea was in the first issue of Flea Market Style magazine right there on page 13......not a big article, but just a little blurb that caught my eye.
I will also tell you that I thought long and hard about paying the $10 for the first issue of this magazine, but after I perused it at the grocery store, I felt it was worth it.
I have no problem in buying all the Somersets I can get my hands on, so why the reservation about this magazine costing so much?
I don't know....just maybe because all of the other like publications out there are considerably less. Still, I ponied up and I'm glad I did because it is full of wonderful information and ideas.....
I was not disappointed!
I particularly liked this idea and chose to use it today, even though it's not actually "mine".
I usually govern my projects by what I already have around and I had tons of knitting needles and quilt yoyos,
which is all these cute little flowers are.
I chose similiar colors for my bouquet and layered them just two thick.
There is no glue, no scissors....absolutely nothing else needed.
The knitting needles are pointed enough, and the fabric is thin enough...that you just poke them up through the center one at a time.
You could take this so much further if you wanted.......and of course, none of us can just "leave it alone", can we!
I'm going to try creating more petals using more yoyos in different positions and see how they turn out.......
It's such a cute project, I just thought it deserved passing on!

Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart has a quick project for you today as well, and her stuff is always fun. You can find her here.
And also Beansie at http://Beansiebabbles.blogspot.com
Thank you for stopping by, and
I hope you create something today.......it sets the mind free!


  1. I LOVE these flowers Jana! I'll have to give them a try!... I did post today.. Just a little something. So mad my camera was working horribly today, and I NEED to download a good editing program!.. But here it is...


    Happy Easter to you!!! Enjoy the weekend! ~tina


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