May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day and First Crop!

On this holiday I'm so very proud to be an American and am very grateful for all of those who have served, and those who continue to serve, to protect our Country.........
I am thankful for all of you.
I am also thankful for having most of what I want and all of what I need....
But by working hard and providing it for myself.
This is the very first of the vegetables from the little garden I have behind my Shoppe downtown. I laughed last year when I planted it thinking all the people around me would think I was crazy.....
I mean....a garden Downtown Arlington?
Still, I have nearby office workers that drop in just to see how it's doing.
And so far, I have a radish for everyone :)
And the herb garden continues to flourish.

If you had ever seen the back lot before we started working on it with all the asphalt and rocks, then you would truly appreciate these few little radishes. So far, I would estimate with all we have spent getting the dirt ready, each radish is worth about $100.00 each.
Here's hoping he remainder of the "crop" comes in this year!
Have a safe, happy Memorial Day!
And thank you for stopping by,
I always love it when you come!

May 28, 2010

~~~Out and About~~~

This week I have had the opportunity to shop a little and came across a few good things that just seemingly "followed me home".
This absolutely stunning frame holds the most precious religious print.
It looks wavey in the photo, but that is just my lack of photography skills....
It is very large and very gorgeous, and I know I was fortunate to find it. And I have a problem passing up any great old linens...
they just seem to call my name.
Then, of course, there are the precious things that also know my name very well. I just can't pass up old chalkware......I'm pretty sure it's in my DNA.

Here's hoping you find great treasures along the way......
Thank you for stopping by,
I love it when you come!

May 26, 2010

~~~~~~~Shakin' It Up~~~~~~~

Years ago when I had booths within an antique mall, we always referred to redoing our booths as "shakin' it up".
It always meant increased sales and seemed to put new energy into our spaces.
For the last two weeks I have done just that here at the Shoppe.
It also helps me to take photos and see them as other's see them in order to know if everything is working right.
This is a beautiful mantle with all whites...... And just a deeper shot.
With a desk as a sofa table.

And a "not for sale" antique wheelchair. I brought this home from Norfolk, Va. and purchased it for $10.00. It has a wonderful story, but that's for another post for sure.

Very Horchow.....this table chandelier commands attention!!

And you have to have all the wonderful mismatched china.

With a section for the country lovers.

Just a mishmash of all the things I love.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of the West room........
And thank you for stopping by.
I always love it when you come!

May 25, 2010

It Never Gets Easier..

I don't often post of really personal things in my life.
I figure it is called "personal" for a reason.
Still, this day each year is so overwhelmingly sad that I hope it will help me to
Honor the man and forget the day.
My Daddy was killed in a car wreck that happened 41 years ago today, along with my brother in law. He was killed instantly, while my Daddy died three days later.
My sister was six months pregnant with the first grand child.....our lives stopped.
For those who tell you time heals all wounds, please know that is not the case.
What does happen is our coping mechanism gets better, but the pain lingers forever.
I live in the house where I grew up......
We have lovingly named it "Remember House"....because we always will.
But then there are precious things in your life that let you know there is still reason and purpose....and you smile.

Thank you for indulging me......

May 22, 2010

~~~~~Sad......Then Glad~~~~~

Look at this wonderful old house.
Built in the early 30's near Downtown Arlington, but long ago abandoned. It sold at auction about six years ago for $450,000.00 but was forfeited years later to the City for back taxes......and that is where the sad part comes in.
It is under abatement and scheduled to be demolished sometime within the next two week.
The Historic Society was able to take all things of value out, including the cupola I always coveted, the old door knobs, and banister.
At least some of it was saved, but still very sad, as we as a City seem to do this a lot.
I'm not sure when we will ever value our past as other City's seem to do......... The glad part about this story is the fact I was able to obtain the wonderful old wrought iron fencing that spent all those years on the big front porch. I watched the last three weeks as more and more the house "disappeared" and wondered why the railings didn't go.
Finally, I called the City and got permission to remove them for my very own.
This is just one side of the fencing and the opposite one mirrors this, of course.
There was also a small porch rail that came home with me as well.

And you can now see why I wanted these so much. My building was built in 1953, and although I adore it, the architecture is.....well, 50's with not a lot going on.
I know I saved my building from being torn down.
I have now received two historical markers for this and am very proud to have received is the very first building to have been recognized from the "mid century"....can we say that now and still mean the 50's?
Anyway, it is.

And now
it has just a little more character with the railings out front.
I plan on having a plaque made to honor the "Purvis House" and
To recognize the City for allowing me to have these.
I smile each time I see them......

Thank you for stopping by today.
I always love it when you come.
Have a beautiful weekend!

May 17, 2010

Attitude is Contagious...What are You Passing Around?

Absolutely one of my favorite quotes and so very applicable to the Saturday Trade Days Sale. It poured all day Friday....dealers were skeptical and anxious to say the least. We had all put a lot of work into getting ready for the day and knew we couldn't control the weather, which was not looking like it was going to be our friend. I emailed all the dealers.....told them if they got up Saturday morning and it wasn't raining.....the sale was ON. I have to admit I had no idea how any of this would go, but that is one of the advantages of being the owner of a small can make it up as you go along. I was at the Shoppe at dark forty, having no idea what to expect. The air was heavy....although it was still very dark, you could tell there were clouds covering all of the sky......but it wasn't raining. I still had my doubts and was honestly dreading the day as it currently presented itself. My first dealers started showing up......they weren't any more optimistic than I was, but I was able to bluff my way into convincing them we had to at least try...if we got rained out, then we got rained out.....we all started setting up since we didn't get to on Friday because of all the rain. The lot was very, very quiet.....and you could feel every one's desire NOT to be there....including mine. Then something happened.....and I did some self talk....reprimanded myself about a bad attitude....and did some adjusting......and something just seemed to immediately take hold. My conversations with dealers, my positive attitude, and my desire to be there was contagious and the whole atmosphere changed........before we knew it the back lot was full of dealers and customers....and they kept coming all day long. I had changed my approach to the sale this year, inviting fewer BETTER dealers, giving the lot less the appearance of a gypsy camp, and more the feel of a festival......and it worked. This was the seventh sale to date, and the feedback I received from dealers as well as customers, indicated they loved it. The one word that I heard used the most was "friendly".....proving I did choose the best of the best for the sale and they represented the Shoppe well. I was so very proud of how this sale turned out......and it started out so very shaky.......thank you everyone who set up, who shopped, and who continue to support my're the best!

The day was so incredibly busy that I didn't have a chance to take as many photos as I should have. Still, these are a good representation of how the lot looked and some of the things for sale. There were so many new requests from dealers wanting to participate in the Fall sale on October 25th that I know it will just keep getting better and better!

May 14, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away.....Come Again on Sunday!!!

I have always been an optimist......always.
Things I cannot change, I do not worry about.
The things I CAN change, I do so with a vengance.
So, with that having been said.......the rains have come as they said they would.
And the Trade Days Antique Flea Market is tomorrow.
I am, however, relieved. We knew some sort of rain would come our way, but in my gut,
I felt we would still be okay.
And I still do.
They have taken the majority of the rain out of the forecast for Saturday, which is event day, and the rain has come early should move on and out by later this afternoon and evening...allowing us to start setting up the basics of the sale.
The lot looks beautiful.....we have worked so hard.
......all spaces have been permanently divided with small fences and plantings.... The vegetable garden is growing.....rows are straight (not perfect, Gary....but straight:)

And we are ready to go.....from the inside looking out, knowing there is a lot to do.

And you might remember the poor little pond I cleaned out about a month ago, finding much sludge and some little fish as well. It has bloomed nicely and still has about five fish that refuse to move....I don't blame them, it looks like a nice place to live!
If you are in the DFW area, I hope to see you tomorrow at the sale.
I know I always say this, but each time I mean it, and this time even more.
I am so excited about the quality of dealers I have coming....not only in merchandise, but in attitude and character as well.
A very good bunch of people that I know you will enjoy buying from......
So.....Come on Down.....It's gonna be the best yet!!

May 12, 2010

Tater's Crud, Trash Talk, and Trade Days!!!

It's been a long week.
The next time my daughter tell's me to wash my hands before I take "the baby", I think I'm going to tell her that "the baby" needs to wash her hands as well :) I have had "Tater's crud" for the last week and it knocked me down at the knees. I don't often go to the doctor, but did this time......but I'm glad to say I'm on the road to feeling better, and just in the nick of time as this coming Saturday is the Shoppe's Seventh Main Street Antique Trade Days Flea Market I host twice a year.
I totally missed Mother's Day and hope everyone had a wonderful day. I had tons of great pictures of "Mother" items that I didn't share because I just didn't feel good. Still, I have to share this one because I DO love my Mama. This is a patch on my front sidewalk, along with other favorite sayings of mine. My way of fixing the sidewalk without redoing the whole thing. People often stop just to read the concrete :)
And now for the Trade Days........these are fabulous mirrors and frames that I will have for sale. I was fortunate when a previous antique dealer saw me on Good Morning Texas and simply called me to come get these things. I am truly blessed and God is good!

I bought these old planters from her....she was so incredibly generous with her things.

I put this old window picture together with vintage lithos and sheet music......
I adore the colors.

AND THESE are magnificient. I had never seen anything like them, but then that doesn't mean a lot because there is a whole lot I don't know about. Anyway, these are chandelier candleabra covers that have been customed made by dipping them into wax for a real candle appearance....

I fell in love with this old lightening rod....
.I've never been lucky enough to find one with the weather vane still on top.
I would keep it, but I feel certain one of my many mammals would pick it up sideways and run with it like a spear, destroying everyone and everything in it's path...

This old rust utility cart is 2die4......used with vintage tole trays it takes on a whole new use.

And anyone that knows me will wonder why I have blue in my Shoppe.....don't worry, it was just because that was the fabric I pulled out of the stash.
The fever must have been blinding me that day.

Also, some
painted and distressed seed boxes, courtesy of my sweet man.

I also used up the remainder of one of my old photo albums framing old postcards......each is a little work of art and ready to frame.

Then there are
also little bottles of essential oils and cones for the homemade cookies.

I'm gonna share
some of my stash of ribbons this time around as well.

And a little of the lace.
Along with these divine beaded items from the 1920s.

Way cool
garden items......candle holders for the walkway.

A neat "married" cloche display.

And the lamp shades....just look at the lampshades!!!

With a really unique antique wall sconce.

And a few pieces of this'n that.

And this is just a small sampling of what to expect this Saturday. There are 20 other dealers joining in the day of fun. They are predicting rain at a chance of 30%, but to me that means there is a 70% chance there won't be.....right?
The sale starts at 8:00 am with a short awards presentation beginning right before with the presentation of yet another Historic Preservation plaque for my sweet little building.......
I love it when things go right.....don't you?
I am also going to start posting my Quick Project Thursday once a month on the first Thursday of the the summer gets here, and things get busy outside, there just isn't time to do as much........
Whew, this has been a whole lot to share, but I've been gone, doncha' know!
Thank you for stopping by today.....
I love it when you come....
Wish Me Sunshine!!!!