June 30, 2010

Funky Chunky Bracelets

I am getting ready for a show in September in Dallas and
Wanted to share the bracelets I have finally finished.
This just about depletes my supply of old dominoes, with the exception of five more bracelets that still need to be put together.
These are so incredibly fun to wear and can be flipped inside or out allowing you to show the "dots" or not.

All are fun
and definitely one of a kind:)
Hope your week is going great and
Thank you for stopping by......
I always love it when you come.

June 29, 2010

What Would You Use It For....... If You Didn't Know What It Was?

I needed a beverage "station" for the patio area and just started walking the store as well as the back garden at the Shoppe.
I found this old metal garbage can stand.
Over the years I have used it as a plant stand with huge pots, but it was very, very heavy and couldn't be moved....which I didn't like.
It had been setting idle for some time now, so I used an old metal tub and a thick round antique mirror that just happen to fit perfectly on top of the rim.
I'm going to use the mirrored side for glasses and drinks and the metal tub for ice
(it'll be cleaned up, of course :) .

And the glasses add a wonderful contrast to the rusty, crusty stand.

Goes to show that you probably already have what you are needing if you just look at it in a new and different way :)
Hope your week has started out well.
DFW is getting tons of much needed rain, and it is sumptuous :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
I always love it when you come.

June 24, 2010

The Bloggerette Sorority "RUSH"

I do have to confess that the only rushing I have ever done has been from one place to another, so this is all very new to me.

I also have to confess that I don't really read things, rather skim the contents.

I tell you this because that is exactly what I did when reading Karen's instructions for our post. All I saw was "take this image, frame it, then put yourself in the picture and show it on the day of the event". Well, that's exactly what I did and I have to admit that I really thought Karen was pushing us out on the ledge because, after all, not everyone has hi tech computer skills....

and I'm talking about ME.

Not to be deterred, I checked out several free photo shop type sites and found lunapic.com and lost myself for hours. If you haven't been there, it is very user friendly, providing you have the time to actually "read" what they are wanting you to do :)

So, on with the RUSH.

I'm a native Texas girl and love everything in a big way.....
except my hair....at least not all the time :)
But with everything else, the bigger the better, and more is not enough in my book.

I look forward to meeting everyone through this new group and can't wait to see where it all goes. A special thank you to Karen at Some Days are Diamonds for putting all of this together. Everyone is welcome, so if you haven't checked it out.....you just might want to.

So from someone who just doesn't follow instructions, but is really fun to know
........nice to meet'cha!
(I'm the one in the cowboy hat on the far right :)
and I've just got to say... am I the only one that thinks that chick is "checkin' me out" ?

June 23, 2010

Summer Window Display and The Holiday Tree

I thought I would "sneak" a quick post here in between the Where Bloggers Create II Party hosted by Karen at My Desert Cottage and the Sorority Rush this Thursday at
Some Days are Diamonds, hosted by yet another Karen.......
All of the studios were incredible and I am amazed to see how many and how much we love to create! I so appreciate all of the wonderful comments, and everyone is welcome to come play anytime they want......
I love to share!
I am also looking forward to meeting all of the new "sisters" this Friday......
isn't blogging just too much fun???
If you've read me for a while you know I have an antique shoppe where I really, really pride myself on the fact nothing is from China.....nothing is reproduced...and nothing is new. Anything of a "new" nature is made by me using primarily vintage materials and in the "antique" vain.
Still, I have several regular customers that call or come in and invariably ask me if I "have my holiday merchandise in yet". Sometimes I would just like to say......no, that truck hasn't arrived yet because it sounds like they think I buy my things at market or over on Harry Hines (China City for those who don't know Dallas).
I don't though....I just smile and tell them it's on it's way.
That's when I get the papers, ribbons, and fabrics out....plug in my glue gun, and get busy. Since I have created a "summer window" of all things patriotic,
I thought I would share it with you.
It is so different from anything within my Shoppe,
but yet is very representative of the season.
It also covers Memorial Day up through Labor Day.....
so it saves me just a little work as well :)...
And I like that.
Above are simply old pages from a paper back book and tea stained.
They are made into cones then formed into a pinwheel of sorts.
......perfect for door wreaths or hanging from door knobs.
Little Waverly gingham primitive heart pillows.....

Along with a decoupaged vintage inspired print. It is on the under panel of an antique sewing machine to give it some age.

This pillow is close to 100 years old and the workmanship is beautiful.

And then there's the brain child of my daughter
......the holiday tree.
She knows I have six windows and to keep them all fresh, all the time is very time consuming.
So, I now have a tree, of sorts. Although it has been left natural for the patriotic season, when we spring into fall it will become a different color.....and change with the seasons from that point.
I love the idea because all I have to do is decorate the tree instead of moving everything out and reloading each time.......
The flags on the tree are made from grocery paper bags that have been painted and stuffed creating a "puffy flag".

So I guess now I can call everyone and tell them the "truck has arrived"
The Holiday "stuff" is here!

Hope you're enjoying your summer with family and friends.
Life is what you make it.....so live outloud!

June 18, 2010

Where THIS Blogger Creates..Welcome to The Party!!

I couldn't be more excited to participate in this special event hosted by
We are all so good at sharing what we have created, that it is fun to see where it all started.
My studio is approximately 700 square feet and is housed within my Shoppe.
Because of this, it is visible to customers and needs to be attractive and "blend" with the antiques and collectibles I sell daily.
This is what the customers see at the back of the East wing of the building, and it is separated by a swing door "Shades of Pale" which is simply an old headboard turned upside down with swing hinges.
It does a good job of separating the spaces and politely lets people know it is not a "public" space. But the majority of the customers coming in really, really want to go back there because of all the things they see. You look to the right and see the area used for painting.
Then the work table on the right. The fabric skirts hide all the the antique lamp parts and supplies I don't need on a daily basis.
The antique white washed tall column is my "inspiration pole".. I tack up inspirational creations I find in magazines and such.
The picture of Janis Joplin is just because I like her, and she makes me smile.

As you scan your eyes to the left you find an identical table, skirted to again hide mosaic china pieces, laces, fabrics, and my computer. You can't see the computer because I hide it behind a small table screen.....it is the one I use for labels, image transfers, and other paper projects, and I just don't like looking at it daily. The big overhead door leads to the back lot where we have the Trade Days Flea Market twice a year. The French doors allow wonderful natural lighting and are covered in antique lace panels, and the overhead door pulls down at night.

There are about five different work stations within the Studio. Below is a collage of my sewing area. It probably has the least amount of space delegated to it because I work better in a small area when sewing. Before I had the Shoppe, I always had to share my sewing room with the washer, the dryer, the heating unit, and the hot water heater. I just learned to sew in a very compact space and still feel better doing so......drives my daughter crazy to see how much I have in such a little corner....still, it works for me.

I also paint and have an area set up for just that. I never know when I might like to simply pick up a brush, and it is nice to have everything out and available making that easier to do.

This is a better shot of all the buttons I have to work with, as well as some of my old frames. The big white cabinet hides my drills, staplers, and other tools that are just not that pretty.

And I always have several projects that are "in the works".
The good thing about my studio is that I can allow myself to have many projects going on at one time and be able to leave them out because of the space I have.
I jump around from area to area because that's the way my brain works.....
it just can't stay still very long.
I think most artist are like that.

These pictures are getting up close and personal with some of the materials I have stashed away for my various projects and creations.....
The chest of laces is my absolute favorite thing to dig around in.

But there's also books, bottles, frames, and lamp shades.

Old postcards, trims, jewelry findings, and old hardware.

Vintage millinery flowers, braiding, and fringes.

Boxes, old games, dolls, and more.

Keys, spools, bobbins, and beads.

And some of the creations that have come from this space. I am not passionate about just one art form, but rather love many and keep myself open to trying new things..
I adore old laces on my altered sweaters, pillows and memory books

And some handbag creations, with altered skirts....and of course....a button box.

And other small projects that keep me busy.

And a girls gotta have good lighting....
Party chandeliers are the best!
There is definite method to my madness and because I have so very much of very different things, I have to stay very organized or I know I will never be able to find anything. It is not a place of "show", but a place to work, to create, and to play.
I can loose myself for hours here.
Thank you for taking the tour of my studio today.
I know there were a lot of pictures,
but you didn't see the other 30 I took and decided to leave out....:)
I can't wait to see everyone elses studio and hope you will visit them as well.
I feel certain if real estate agents or builders see this Party, they will start calling that extra room a "Studio".....they know what we like!
Thanks again to Karen and Jo Packman for this wonderful event.
I know I had a lot of fun!

June 15, 2010

Simple AND Beautiful Altered Handbags

Two different styles of handbags, but both decidedly easy and beautiful as well.
The white woven bag is covered in many, many lovely vintage millinery flowers.
Always sewn on, never glued.
While the beaded bag is made from the sleeve of a vintage beaded blouse.
I made this one years ago and used a reproduction purse clasp.

I now
have a collection of vintage and antique purse frames to use on the next ones.
I think they will give them more character and style.

They are fun to make and very easy as well.....
and a good way to recycle those beaded garments everyone just had to have in the 80's :)
Thanks for stopping by today.
I always love it when you come.

June 14, 2010

All Because Two People Fell in Love.....

It's hard to imagine 42 years have passed since we married.
We were both definitely children, but it's not to say children don't know love, because we did.
He is not my dream man, but has always made my dreams come true.
I'm pretty sure I've never had a dream man anyway, because I've always had him....
Since I was just 14 when we met for the very first time and he offered me his Senior ring. There has been good, there has been bad......but the relationship has always "been".
I cannot imagine life without this man, and don't want to.
He is the better half of me.

I asked him once why he loved me so much.
He said because I was such a hard worker...
Because I loved animals so much....
And because I have big boobs...
He is, after all, a man:)

Here's wishing you lasting love.

June 12, 2010

~~~~Shoes Made ~Just for Dancin'~

A couple of years ago I was inspired by my daughter to "make" her wedding shoes.
She was wearing flat white satin ballet slippers and they were no where near what she actually wanted or needed to go with her elaborately beaded dress. Since then I have started playing around with other styles of shoes, using different lace, beads, buttons, and trims. I am now offering special custom orders through the Shoppe and my website for those needing unique shoes for special occassions......
Completely wearable and guaranteed to make you smile.
I can't promise you will dance any better,
But they will make you want to get up and try!

Fit for the Queen in all of us!

Thank you for stopping by.
I always love it when you come.