July 27, 2010

~~The Golden Child With the Silver Spoon~~

I stayed in "Paris" longer than I anticipated this week,
But I so needed to get away :)
Still, I also got some things done as well.
I finished this lightweight lace jacket for a favorite customer of mine.It looks divine on her and she is picking it up tomorrow.
But the one thing she wanted, she hasn't seen yet.
I hope this proverb holds true when she sees it for the first time.

She loves heads and funky things done with them
I call my girl "The Golden Child".
She even has the silver spoon to prove it.
She is so incredibly funky.
I don't do many dolls, but always have fun when I do.

And you have to love an antique crochet baby bonnet woven with rusty wire.

Thank you for stopping by today...
I always love it when you come:)


  1. I am swooning over that lace jacket and LOVE LOVE LOVE the baby head!


  2. Hi Jana,
    That lacy top is 2die4! And the doll head is so dang cute. She will love it.


  3. Oh my gosh! Even I love it, and I'm not a head person at all! What are those spool things?
    OMG! It is gorgeous!
    So is the sexy jacket. She is very lucky and I KNOW she will love them both!
    Very fun! Thanks for sharing!
    karen ~ some days are diamonds

  4. You should do more dolls! She is great. Would like to see the jacket on the lucky owner.

    I stopped by to introduce myself... My name is Sherry and I have recently joined the Bloggerette Sorority. I am a newbie to the blogging world, (3 wks!) so I missed the rush. I am however looking forward to joining in on all the fun in the future! I would be honored if you came by my blog at http://scrappingwithsherry1.blogspot.com/ Hope to see you there!

    ~Sherry F.

  5. Hello Jana. I adore your beautifully crafted lace jacket. You always amaze me with your talent. The jacket, the wonderful doll and sentimental quote are all such special gifts for your friend. Thank you for your kind words at my blog today...a lovely way to start off a new week. ~ Angela

  6. Love your doll and her sweet pink cap.


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