July 22, 2010

~~I Went to Paris This Morning~~~

As I was driving to the Shoppe this morning I found myself daydreaming.
Wondering how long it was going to take me to get through all of the boxes
and bags from the estate I bought,
Feeling overwhelmed and tired.
I was at a stop sign and happened to glance away.
I saw this tower....and for a second, just a second....I had flashbacks of being in Paris.
And I smiled.Knowing it's all good, no matter what it is.
Because I have found boxes and boxes full of jewelry
...some costume, some fine.
And two bags of precious vintage and antique baby clothes.
Look at the little purse....it has two little wool Easter chicks inside :)

Then the beginning of the linens....

With yet more linens.

It's good to get away, but then it's always fun to come back home!


  1. Sounds like a beautiful burden, Jana! Would love to help you sort through it all!


  2. Stopping by for the first time. I recently joined the Bloggerette Sorority and wanted to meet some of the 'sisters'.

    My blog door is always open for new friends. Drop by, help yourself to some tea and cookies and meet my 6 dogs.

    God bless.

  3. I'm sure it is overwhelming to know that you have to sort everthing out. But, of my would I love to be you. I could spend hours drooling over all those linens.


  4. Oh... I would love to go through the jewelry.

  5. Oui! Paris. I never realized just how close it really is! Fun post, Jana. Have a great week. ~ Angela


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