July 21, 2010

It's the Thrill of the Hunt.......

Marley and Baby are so incredibly tired of watching me sort through the massive amount of boxes from the estate I am liquidating.....
and I only have 51 left to go.......
And that doesn't count the 30 bags of linens.
But it is totally worth it......
We plan on finishing the garage tonight and still don't know what we will find......
It's the thrill of the hunt doncha' know!


  1. ooooo, sounds like my kind of FUN!!!!

  2. 30 Bags of Linens and I would be in vintage heaven! You lucky girl you.

    Your little helpers are so sweet.


  3. Happy hunting! Adore the kitties...such a luxurious nap! ~ Angela

  4. Oh my gosh! And here I was lamenting over on my blog about getting 50 PIECES at and estate sale and all the work washing and ironing and you have 30 BAGS full. I will stop whining. Now. Really though, so true about the thrill of the hunt. I would LOVE to be looking through the 30 bags, even if it did mean washing and ironing it all!

  5. OMG the Thrill of the Hunt indeed! I would be in heaven for sure! Wish I could help. hehe

    Hugs XX

  6. Oh how I wish i was there with you now helping!!! What a thrill!!!! Marley and baby are soooo adorable!!!! what a great picture you took! that could be a portrait!!!!
    ox xo Marlene


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