July 10, 2010

Must Be a Texas Thang....uh huh.

Do not ask me why as Texans we are so very proud.
I know other states are as well, because I have visited almost all of them.
However, I have never found a state that insists on wearing it's flag as we do.
Maybe it because it consists of the same colors as the American flag...maybe because we consider ourselves our OWN country...maybe, maybe, maybe.
That's why when I started making my altered jean jackets again,
I just had to include some of that Texas pride.
The whole
back hand painted with what else, but the Texas flag.

You always know where we're from.
If it's not from the accent, it's the Texas flag somewhere on our body.

And because we're so danged much fun :)
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by,
I always love it when ya'll come!


  1. Hey Texas Girl! There ain't a thing wrong with showing your Texas pride. It's great.
    I'm an Appalachian Mountain girl from West Virginia and we got some serious "Mountaineer Pride!"

    Love the bluejean jacket. It's adorable with all the flouches and ruffles.


  2. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this jacket.

  3. Now this is gorgeous! Me likey a lot!


  4. Hi Jana

    This is great!! Love the feminine fluff too!


  5. Well, who ever the lucky girl is that buys this will look good coming or going. I can't say this idea would work well for a California girl....wearing a bear on my back doesn't appeal to me.


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