July 12, 2010

~~~~~~~~~Who Woulda' Thunk~~~~~~~~

The success rate for a new small business in the first year is 10%,
And doesn't get much better for the next 3 years.
Add to that the fact you are opening in a location that is trying to re~develop,
Where those before you have all failed.
However, 4 years ago that didn't deter me.
But, who knew the economy would hit rock bottom my second year in.....who knew?
I can't say it has been easy, but I can say it has been fun......
hard, but fun.
My tenacity has been like this purple hyacinth bean vine...
Of course it grows well in perfect conditions, But it's real test of survival is when it decides to come up volunteer in the parking lot.
It gets only the water from the down spout and tolerates the sweltering heat from the concrete,
But still, it grows. Maybe not as fast as in perfect conditions....
BUT it survives and grows nonetheless.
For all my "locals" and loyal customers, I thank you so very, very much.
You are the reason I am still here and am starting my fifth year in just a couple of months.
I hope you will come join me this Saturday, July 17th at my
Customer Appreciation Open House....
It's just for YOU!


  1. What a great post, Jana. Like the vine, you are hardworking, diligent and determined. Plus, a true talent. A recipe for success! Congratulations on five years, and more to come!!! ~ Angela

  2. Congratulations on your fifth year!!! I know it's very hard to succeed in a new business.

    Hugs XX

  3. Congratulations Jana! I hope to one day see your beautiful shop and meet you in person!

  4. Jana,
    That is great!

    I'm in my 2nd year of having my gift shop.
    And what you said is so true, it is fun, hard, but fun!!


    barbra jean

  5. Good for you Jana. There have been many times that's we've wanted to throw in the towel and this year has been a good test. We were down 30% in May our( big month)...part of it was hubbies injure but lets face it the economy ain't great. When things get better we'll be that much stronger.
    Keep your customers happy and they'll stay loyal.
    Have a good sale!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.