August 11, 2010

Improper Etiquette Never Looked So Good

I firmly believe in proper etiquette.
I believe in RSVPs, Thank You Notes, and Sympathy Cards.
I believe in saying Please and Thank You and
Holding the door open for strangers.
BUT....when it comes to being told it is improper to reapply makeup in public or after dining,
I just have to disagree.
I do, however, feel that if you are going to "break" this rule you do need to
do so with purpose.
A girl can't just pull out a Cover Girl plastic piece and expect not to be noticed.
That's why I started collecting all of these wonderful vintage and antique compacts years ago.
The detailing on each piece is beautiful and meant to be seen.
Some are even as large as who would hide this away?

absolutely favorite silver piece from the lot.

even a large Bakelite Japanese inspired beauty.

And this one remains in it's original manufacturer's box, having never been used.

My own personal compact is much smaller, fitting perfectly into the palm of my hand.
It is Estee Lauder, and I bought it years ago because I do apply lipstick at the table....
Regardless of who is there or where I am.

It even has my name engraved on the back.

I am not a makeup junkie by any means.
As long as I have my Retin A and my 50spf sunscreen I'm happy because
Drug store makeup suits me just fine.
I do, however, believe that if you are going to break the etiquette rules
You need to make it look good while you're doing it :)
Presentation in life makes all the difference.
Thanks for stopping by today.
I always love it when you come!

P.S I'm thinkin' about having a give away to celebrate the beginning of my fifth year in business on my own and the completion of two years of blogging.......
What kind of prize would motivate you to enter?
I want it to be good!


  1. Anything you create would be wonderful Jana!

    My favorite compact is the silver's lovely.

    I would love for someone to try to tell me not to fluff up at the table. I would tell them to go suck an egg, politely♥


  2. Jana, what a lovely collection! I too have some of those pretty compacts, and carry one in my purse that belonged to my mother. I might not use it much, but she did, and she stays close to me by my having it with me.
    Thanks for sharing such pretty items!
    Blessings, Doni

  3. These are lovely, I have 2 that belonged to my grandmother. I am with you one the drug store make-up.

  4. What a fun post! Adore your collection of compacts. ~ Angela


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