August 5, 2010

~~~~~~~Come Share My News~~~~~~

I couldn't be more pleased to share with everyone the latest issue of
Somerset Home Magazine~August, 2010
One, because it is a wonderful publication.....and two, because I'm published inside.
Yep, right there on page 62 are my little chandelier lamp shades.
I know in the whole spectrum of world peace and famine, this is miniscule,
But right now it is a very BIG thing to me.
I could not be more proud or honored to be chosen.

I'm also excited to also share with everyone that I have had another project accepted for an upcoming issue of a different Somerset publication.
Life is good in spite of it's struggles.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing my news.
I always love it when you come.


  1. Hi Jana,
    So excited for you!!! I am in the publication as well--YIPPEE!!!!
    Happy day and congrats!

  2. Congrats my sweet friend. Can't wait til my copy comes in the mail!

  3. Congratualtions! I totally understand what you are saying. It just feels so darned good to bask in a little validation every now and then! Enjoy!

  4. Oh how exciting! Congratulations!


  5. Yeah! Yippee! Hooray and Congratulations!! Smiles!

  6. congrats to you!! i love to hear about artists making it in the world today!!! it's a GOOD thing and it is a HUGE deal!!! you bask it in!!
    i look forward to buying a copy of the publication.
    take care

  7. That's awesome girlfriend! I'll have to go check it out this weekend!

  8. How wonderful!! Woo Hoo for Jana!!!!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  9. Congratulations, Jana! Your work is so wonderful....of course it should be published again and again and again! It is just the beginning! I hope your wrist is healing well, and that you are able to create your beautiful art!

  10. Congrats to you and the lampshades are fabulous! I can't wait to see the magazine article :)

  11. Congratulations! What a beautiful feature of your amazing creations. ~ Angela


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