August 4, 2010

~~~~~~~~No Vacancy~~~~~~~

Remember these?
And the customer that wanted a doll birdcage? Well, she's almost ready to go.
She has a brass cone arm full of dried flowers,,

A hanging antique plaque that will soon say
"No Vacancy"

There's a silver sugar bowl with a
Bird nest full of little eggs.

You either "get" this type of art or you don't.
I absolutely love it.
It clears my brain of clutter :)

But then there is Miss Lizzie on the right.
She's just along for the ride, silly girl.

Thanks for stopping by....
You know I love it when you come!

1 comment:

  1. Now, you know I "get" this kind of art! I love it Jana....all the elements just come together perfectly. I also love Miss Lizzie!



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