October 31, 2010

A Darker Side of "Me" & Giveaway Invite!!

Anyone that knows me realizes how much I adore whites, pinks, and girlie~girlie.
But anyone that knows me well, knows the flip side of that coin and how much I
Love tapestries, velvets, dark woods, and Victorian.
This is my office at home......
Quite a bit different than what people expect if they only know me through the Shoppe.
But when I tell people "I love it all", I really, really mean it.
The only criteria is that it has got to be old.

And beautiful.

And cushy and comfy.

Also, don't forget to join up for my Fantabulous Giveaway.....
Someone is gonna win a prize valued at $100...and
It might as well be YOU,
But you have to comment or follow or blog about it in order to have your chance.
Deadline is November 27th so sign up now....
And be sure and tell your friends too
Because if I hit 300 followers by contest end....
There will be TWO prizes given away.

I'd love to have you!

Thanks for stopping by today....I love it when you come.


  1. Hi Jana, your office definitely screams Victoriana! :) Even though my tastes run more for the softer paler colors, I do like the darker tones that one finds with the Victorian look, as you have captured so beautifully in your home office. Love that beautiful Mantle mirror you have displayed at the very top of your wall! Thank you for giving us ladies a little glimpse to your "darker side", lol :)

    Have a wonderful week, warmest hugs, Brenda

  2. Your office is very inviting and, yes, very beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Jana!

  3. Oh my gosh!!
    I cannot believe how incredibly beautiful that room is!!!

    I'm not sure I could get any work done there at all. =)


    barbara jean

  4. I too love all things old. As a tried and true tomboy I only, in the last few years, will admit to loving lace, tho' I guess it's out now. All of your ideas are gorgeous!!!

  5. Hi Jana,
    I'm not surprised that your office is so beautiful. A creative mind like yours, needs variety and mix in all things lovely.

    Beautiful, just beautiful.


  6. What a gorgeous office you have!! I really love it and being a little dark is just fine if it's put together with "old" things.

    Hugs XX

  7. A kindred spirit!! This is so my home! I even have the dark velvet drapes that came with our 100+ year old home!! Your office is just divine!!

    bee blessed

  8. Your office is full of charm.... I can see why you would love it Jana. It's warm, cozy and so inviting filled with many lovely things. I see your cat is also enjoying the atmosphere in there too.. awww

    I read Brenda's comment -Your dark side- SO funny! We all have one!



Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.