October 27, 2010

And The Rain Came.......

Saturday was the Tenth Semi Annual Main Street Antique Trade Days Sale.
It rained on Friday preventing us from safely setting up anything.....
The wind was too strong and it just wasn't' worth taking the chance.
I do have a rain plan, though, and it is....if you wake up Saturday morning....and it's NOT raining.
The Sale is On........and so they came.
We worked quietly, not knowing what the day would bring.
As daybreak came, we could see the skies were relatively clear.
But somehow I still knew what was coming....my bones ached and I knew it was inevitable.
The storms would come...it was just a matter of when.
Still, I smiled, but only put a small fraction of my items out.
I knew everyone else would need help in the event of a fast shut down.
And I kept smilin'.....
Even if it was a scary smile.
The crowds came and it was proving to be a wonderful day.
Then my sweet man called with the news.....
Him........"Are you watching the weather?"
Me.........."How would I be doing that"?
Him........"Shut it down.....it's the other side of Fort Worth"
Me........."How much time do you think we have?"
Him......."None, just do it".
I quickly walked the lot.......not wanting to alarm anyone by shouting out, and the sky quickly turned black.
I was so amazed at the smiling faces looking back at me.....
No grumbling......no cussing......just quickly moving as the wind had already started to blow.
We were off that lot in about 20 minutes.......
It's amazing how quickly you can break one of these
Shows down when there is lightening and torrential rain.......
Although we didn't get to play all day long, we did last until 1:00,
And the dealers did well in that time period.
We didn't get to hit our peak afternoon traffic, but what could you do....
I still had to pick up sixty signs....make some sense of what I literally threw into the back of the Shoppe......I was wet, I was cold, and I was tired having been up since dark forty.
My precious daughter and sweet man so totally "get me"
And I couldn't do it without them.
All that evening I was self talking as I do......going inward, trying to make some sense of how tired I was......wondering just what was I doing
On Sunday morning I made the announcement to my family..
I didn't plan on doing any more Trade Days Sales.....it had come to an end.
They didn't flinch.....they didn't question.....they do so get me.
Monday I sent out a dealer email announcing the Spring Trade Days Sale
May 14, 2011....
And a new event being a Sidewalk Sale November 6th.....
Just me and two other dealers.......
If I can't sell it one way.....I'll just sell it another.
And so, I prepare for the event....
Like I had good sense.
I was so pleased today to also see that my sweet, sweet blogging friend Patti
of Patti's Artful Design is having her very first giveaway in celebration of her 100th post.
If you are not familiar with her art, she works with shells and creates
the MOST gorgeous of things.......check her out.....and tell her I sent you.
She has been featured in several magazines and you will want what she has!!!
And, don't forget to comment, follow, and/or blog about my giveaway, too.
All the info can be found HERE and you have until November 27th.....
That's all for me today.........
Gotta move some of these things around to make room for more.
Can't wait for the Sidewalk Sale......
I'm getting rid of so much good "stuff".
Thanks for stopping by today......
I love it when you come.


  1. Sorry about your trade days but glad it wasn't a total bust. I was @ a grand's football game when that storm rolled in...it went from a gentle, pleasant rain to gusting winds & cold, cold, cold rain w/in 10 minutes.

    Probably won't be able to make your sidewalk sale as that's the weekend of the Funky Finds Experience but good luck w/ it.

  2. Oh Jana.....so sorry about the Trade Days rain out! You can never predict the weather when you advance schedule an event like this. We just had this happen in a neighboring town's antique street fair.

    Thank you so much for that wonderful "plug" on your posting, and the icon on your sidebar. I, sincerely, appreciate your support!

  3. Jana, you are a real trooper and an inspiration. Even when you get discouraged and want to quit, you're back on your feet within 24 hours! When I grow up, I want to just like you... :) Sure, we have some amazing flea markets in the City, but nothing compares to your little slice of girly heaven in Arlington...


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.