October 21, 2010

Trade Days Flea Market "Stuff" & Giveaway!!

The weatherman reports a chance of rain on Saturday.....
But I'm not acknowledging that forecast.
The Tenth Semi Annual Antiques Trade Days Flea Market is this Weekend
And we're not afraid of "no stinkin' rain"
(please, please, please, please don't rain)
The dealers never disappoint me with their tenacity
Or with the treasures and deals they bring.
AND, I'm getting ready as well.
There are new things created just for the Flea Market

Such as antique framed sheet music with wonderful thoughts...

A vacated old birdhouse....

Beautiful vintage pillowcase sets and linens

Novelty magnets from old jewelry...

And tons and TONS of antique and vintage baby items.

You can't forget that Halloween is just around the corner....

How 'bout a drum majorette jacket....

And masses of old frames and Sunday artist paintings...

And some "man stuff"......old metal trucks and toys from the 50's

Several stacks of old, OLD books....

And boxes....

Then, we're back to the pretty!

The day starts early for all of us, but the sale starts for you at 8:00 am.
It promises to be a good one

Don't forget about my Fantabulous Giveaway either.
You can win one of my Heart & Soul unique creations
OR a $100.00 shopping spree in my website, etsy, ebay....or
For all you locals.......my Shoppe!

Read more about it and leave your comment here

For YOUR chance to win!
Thanks for stopping by.....I always love it when you come.


  1. Rain, rain go away......wish you, the other vendors, and customers...a sunny day!

  2. I'm sure the Flea Market will be a wonderful success; I see lots of wonderful things, love the vintage baby items and the pretty rosey linens and the bling too :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  3. Hoping to see you @ Trade Days Jana! *crossing my fingers it doesn't rain*

  4. OK, I have my fingers crossed for you that it doesn't rain!!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.