October 22, 2010

Incoming Karma~Paying It Forward~Trade Days~& Giveaway Info

Whoa, that's alot!
And I really don't have the time right now, and
Really, really shouldn't be sitting here at my computer when
The Antique Trade Days Flea Market is tomorrow!!!!
The last two days have been full of wonderful treasures coming at me everywhere I turn.
People are so incredibly generous and have simply given me these things....just given.
Now, I call that "Incoming Karma" for sure, and it is certainly a testament to "doing good",
or trying to.
That's why I'm also paying it forward in tomorrow's Trade Days Sale........
Incredible prices on wonderful stuff..
If you are local....don't miss it.
I mean, just look at these fabulous vintage bags..... And a 100 year old tailor's suitcase full of wonderful treasures.
And a hat box full of beautiful black velvet and wool vintage hats....

Old patterns and tons and tons of iron on transfer patterns.

Absolutely precious little register...

Laces.....oh my....the laces :)

Precious antique baby items....

Absolutely delicious!

Then the boxes of china and glassware...

And a sewing machine for my Tatsey!!

Just had to share my "wealth". I stand amazed at people's generosity and kindness towards me and their genuine interest in my succeeding.
As long as I'm sitting here you know I've gotta talk about my giveway and ask that you be sure and comment here on my giveaway post to win a
Heart & Soul altered sweater or $100
of merchandise from the store, shop, etsy, or ebay.........
It's all about giving back.....the more you give in life the more you get......
and that counts as good or bad...I'm just sayin'
.....don't you just love it :)
Have a great weekend....and see' ya Monday!


  1. You are, most definitely, putting me in the mood to shop with all these wonderful items. Since I am in California, I guess I will go garage saling this weekend! Have a wonderfully, successful Trade Days, Jana!

  2. Awwwwwww, now you can teach Tatsey to sew when she gets a 'lil older!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE all these treasures my lovely friend!


  3. Ohhhhh this is wonderful! Continue to pay it forward and do the right thing! You have a beautiful spirit and I so with I was closer I would be an early bird at the sale!
    count me in your sweet giveaway sweater

  4. Oh My, do I ever wish I were local! what wonderful treasures!!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.