December 31, 2010

Happy New Year, Sweet Friends!
I have to admit that 2010 was a challenge, both professionally and personally.
I was, however, able to rid myself of the vampires in my life
And surround myself with positive energy and people.
I accomplished almost everything on my marketing plan for 2010,
And have developed an even more ambitious marketing plan for 2011.
A really exciting endeavor planned for the next year is the Le'Pre'miere Qtrly.
I won't go into any details here, but more can be found on this particular sale by
Jumping over to the new blog here.
It promises to be alot of very hard work, but also a wonderful event.
This in no way replaces the Main Street Antique Trade Days Flea Market
Hosted by me twice a year, as that continues to be an event approaching it's 11th sale.
And the Shoppe has expanded to include other styles and items that
Appeal to those that just don't appreciate pink like I do.
It will come as a surprise to those that really know me, but I am nothing if not diverse
And able to accept all types of design.
Having reclaimed all of the space within my Shoppe,
I am now able to go in alot of different directions.
Here, no lace, no roses, no pink.
That is, of course, until you cross to the other side of the building ;)

I thank
everyone that has left me beautiful and encouraging comments throughout the year.
I don't get to comment very often because of time constraints,
But I do enjoy visiting and seeing all of your wonderful ideas
And gorgeous homes.
You continue to be my inspiration
And my guilty pleasure.
There is nothing anyone else has or does that cannot be your own
If you are willing to work hard enough to obtain it.
You can make it happen.
Happy, Happy New Year

December 26, 2010

The Center of My World......

Does this just not say it all???
Christmas through the eyes of a child.

I hope your
Christmas was as wonderful as ours has been.
Although I wasn't going to post this week,
Giving all my time to family & friends....
I just couldn't resist sharing my sweet Tatsey
Give thanks for the love in your life.
xo, jana

December 24, 2010

NOEL and Merry Christmas

As I end my Christmas selling season here at the Shoppe,
I find myself relieved and happily tired.
I will be closing for several days to enjoy my family & friends
And hope you are able to do the same.
It goes without saying how incredibly blessed I am with love
And how grateful I am for what I have.
Here's wishing you and your family the Merriest of Holiday Seasons
Full of love, happiness, and peace.

December 22, 2010

That One Special Gift....

Every Christmas since I can remember my daughter has always wanted the moon and the stars from "Santa" as kids do.
The list has always been long and often very expensive as she grew older.
But the one thing she has always ask for has been something "created" by me.
As she has grown into the beautiful woman she is today,
This particular gift has often been the "best she received" and the one
She has always remembered.
I created beautiful silver heart charm bracelets for both of us several years ago.
This year I put together a silver heart charm necklace for her, hoping it will be
As special to her as the bracelet is.
I used only my most special hearts and ones that meant alot to me.
The large focal heart was hers as a teenager.
The locket to the right has my initials engraved on the front
And is also from my childhood.
The gold locket simply has a special place in my heart.
It is an antique Victorian rose gold piece that
Simply touches my soul.

Special hearts
can be added along the way to fill the chain up as much as she wants.
These are the gifts I really enjoy giving
And are the ones that stay around forever.
Thanks for stopping by today....
I love it when you come.

December 11, 2010

Holiday Open House December 2010

I always tell everyone that I have the absolute best customers....
And I really believe that.
To all of you who made it to the Holiday Open House, I thank you.
It is because of you and all the others that support me throughout the
Year that allow my business to thrive and grow....
Just like these beautiful paper whites.....
I cannot imagine a Christmas season without them,
Nor a store without you.
Even though the cake balls were time consuming and messy....
They were definitely the hit of the day.....
Silly me, I even took orders for them.
Wonder when I'll get that done....hmmmm
The paper cone tree allowed everyone to go home with a little present from
Collected Treasures........

It was a wonderful day......a beautiful, peaceful day with customers
Who have become friends, and new visitors who have now become customers.
Thank you for letting me do this for you.

December 9, 2010


My neighbor emailed me this week and asked me if I knew anyone who wanted some tiles.
Immediately I'm thinking large bathroom or kitchen ceramic tiles,
But still I knew I could use those as filler on my mosaics once broken into small pieces.
So, being the bottom feeder that I am, I said that I would love to have them.
I asked her if I needed to bring my wagon to pick them up....tiles can be heavy.
She said there was about 10 pounds.
I picked them up last night on my way home and there is more like 15 or 20 pounds.
They are all glass tiles, precut, in every color imaginable. It pays to have people know you will "take anything",
Because sometimes really wonderful stuff comes your way.
I have several projects planned for birdbaths and benches, along with crosses and such
That these will be absolutely perfect for.

So, thank you Jo and Sue......
I will put these to very good use and I so appreicate your generosity.
With the wallpaper I scored earlier this week, and now the tiles....
This could keep be busy into the next decade.......:)

Thanks for stopping by today,
I always love it when you come.

December 8, 2010

Quick Holiday Boxes for Open House December 11, 2010

Each December the Shoppe hosts a Customer Appreciation Holiday Open House.
This year is no different as we have one planned for this coming Saturday.
I always try to have a few hand crafted Christmas items to add to all
Of the vintage and antique holiday items I offer.
These sweet little glittery houses are
papier mache' boxes..painted white.
Glue a ceramic church on top along with a little bottle brush tree.
Spray paint the entire lid again for an overall white color.
Allow to dry. Spread acrylic tile grout on the lid simulating snow.
Allow to dry overnight and spray completely with white paint again.
While the paint is wet, simply sprinkle with your favorite crystal glitter.
I also painted silvery free form stripes on the base then also coated with an iridescent glitter.
Fill the inside with tissue paper and tie a sweet vintage ribbon bow around the base.
Simple and easy. Open House is from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm December 11, 2010.
Come enjoy champagne punch, coffee, and delicious handmade cake balls in
Various flavors.

Stop by if you can.....we'd love to have you!

December 3, 2010

I Got Lucky Today.........

This morning I ran errands as I often do before coming to the Shoppe.
One was to Joanns to pick up scrap booking paper for cones and tags.
If I had only found this stash before my jaunt into the store, I could have save a few dollars.
Now, I consider myself lucky in that people often just give me things or
Leave them by my front door anonymously.

I am always appreciative and grateful.

But I'm not one to find many things "on the curb".....or should I call it "designer roadkill".
But this morning was quite different.
I was fortunate enough to be the first one by this huge stack of ten wallpaper
Sample books.....all gorgeous designs and perfect for so many of the projects I do.
Needless to say, I couldn't turn around fast enough to load them in my SUV...
And I'm pretty sure I have a lifetime supply :)
These are just a few of the beautiful patterns I found in a couple of the books.
There are hundreds and hundreds of patterns, colors, and borders.
I'm like a kid in a candy store!!

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come!

December 1, 2010

The Winner of My Altered Couture Sweater IS>>>>>>

I couldn't be more pleased to announce the winner of my
Altered Couture sweater giveaway
Big, big drum roll here, please.....
Barbara Jean of Treasures from the Heart.

There could not be a nicer person in blogging than Barbara Jean.
She is free with her time, her ideas, and her encouragement.
So, Barbara Jean.....come on down and let's get you "sweatered up".

For all of those who entered and left wonderful comments,
Beautiful words of encouragement,
And wanted to win so badly....
There is always next time!

Thank you for being a part of my giveaway.