March 17, 2011

All That is Old is New Again......

A customer came into the Shoppe today and I asked my usual question....
"Are you looking for anything special?"
Usually I receive the standard "no", but today she had purpose.
I would say she was in her late twenties......
And I don't get many younger shoppers very often.

She had been thumbing through a Pottery Barn catalog
and found they merchandised and also sold
vintage reproduction suitcases.
She didn't want to pay their price,
And wanted it "today".

She had been to every store in town to no avail.
Can you imagine her surprise when I proceeded to
Show her not just one, or two, or three old suitcases,
But she had her choice between about thirty different ones.

I've been collecting these for years simply because I love the idea of
What they represent. 
Families or individuals traveling to new and different places.
Packing their most needed items and
Most probably traveling by car or bus.

Always with a hat box in tow as well....
A girl had to have her hat.

She also loved all the old books and bottles and
Since mine were not for sale,
She went about her day looking for some that were.

I just adore the story these old things tell,
If only we stop and listen.

Have a beautiful weekend.

Thank you for stopping by today....
I love it when you come...and
If this is your first time here and choose to follow....
Please know, I always follow back.

Today I am linking to the following blogs and hope you will visit them to see the wonderful
Items presented just for you. 


  1. You made someones day!! Char

  2. Hi Jana,
    Wow girl, that's quite a stack of vintage suitcases. I love them! They are getting harder to find in the wonderful warm colors and vintage patina.

    I'm glad you made your customer happy.


  3. Hi, I'm visiting from Common Ground. I saw those old suitcases in your thumbnail photo and had to come visit to check them out. I love old suitcases and have a few myself....but no where near 30! Sounds like you have a great shop.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Love old suitcases and you have a fabulous collection!
    Happy day!

  5. What Fabulous Photos! I bet that Lady was Thrilled, Vintage Heaven.... Have a great weekend, Hope you get a chance to stop on by

  6. Hi Jana! I always love when younger people come in the shop...they are always looking for the most unique and interesting pieces!

    Love those old suitcases!

  7. Great story and i am sure she was thrilled she wandered into your shop!! I have 2 of my mom's vintage suitcases and I cherish them!


  8. I really enjoyed reading this post, and just had to leave a comment. Yes, I'm sure you made your customer's day! I have a few old suitcases. I just enjoy their "look" so much and like you said, their untold stories. sigh...

  9. Love the suitcases. My sister in law actually has a set that she has given me, I just have to remember to pick them up. I am wanting them for photo props. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Love your vintage suitcases~ they are such fun to collect! I pick them up when I find them too- the nostalgia and the charm is irresistible!! New follower here~ nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  11. Oh, I love your old suitcases! Very nice displays! Thanks for showing us!

  12. I just love old suitcases and pick them up whenever I can. I also like using them for displays and carrying merchandise back and forth. Your pictures are wonderful. Love those old bottles and books too. I'll be back to see more of your wonderful treasures.

  13. Such a fun story. Suitcases are a great functional item and can look so cool! ... So happy you stopped by today. Your kind words mean so much. I know you share the intense love for your mom as I do for my sweet mom...a love like no other. Thank you for your support, Angela

  14. Thanks for following me back :) Love your blog and pictures as well!

  15. I love the vintage suitcases. I think younger people are going to become more interested in vintage wears over time. I have a friend in her 20's. Her and her husband love vintage.

    They're going that way with their whole house and it's lovely.

    Lisa x


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