March 22, 2011

When Good Things Come "Your Way"....

  If anyone doesn't know it by now.....
I adore old linens and literally covet antique laces.
Sometimes to the point that my heart will beat fast when I am going through them
For the very first time.

I couldn't believe my good fortune this morning when in came
Lisa.......a sweet soul that found my Shoppe a couple of years ago.
She has come to know me well, and we talk about vision, dreams, and goals.

She had several large baskets of her Grandmother's old crochet pieces
And laces, and velvets, and Irish linen....
And on and on.
                                                                      All just for me.

I was in heaven all day long as I sorted through my beautiful bounty.

Just when I think all of the good stuff is gone or too pricey,
I am delightfully surprised as I was today.

And you know the good thing?
She says she has more......yummy~

Thank you for stopping by today..
If it's your first time here and choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :)

Today I am linking to Kathleen at Faded Charm for


  1. I understand your heart palpitations. What a lovely pile of prettiness. Love your large fur family too.

    Lisa x

  2. Wow, what a special gift. I love old linens too and when I go to an estate sale and yardsales that is one of the first things I head for. They are beautiful and am following now so I can see what else she brings you. I am loving those Irish sheets!!! ~~Sherry~~

  3. Lucky you to have bestowed upon you all these lovely laces! I too adore old lace and scoop it up when it is a great price! Happy WW!

  4. What wonderful gifts!!!! So beautiful!!!

  5. How fabulous is this! Gorgeous linens.

  6. Just beautiful! I have a collection for vintage doilies and tatted dresser scarfs!I love old linens and lace!


  7. Fantastic.....I love antique just about anything. Thanks for coming by the blog to comment.

  8. isn't so great when someone takes a moment to make your heart beat a wee bit faster?!
    what a lovely gift!

  9. How absolutely divine! What a sweet treasure! You just reminded me that I have to take a few minutes and post about a blog friend who did the same thing for me! I too am a lover of vintage lace and trim! I already took some photos, just have to do the writing!! Thank you for sharing!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.