March 24, 2011

I Never Tire of "Old Stuff"

The older the better and
If I can make something out of it then that's all the good.
I found I did not have the heart to discard, or even recycle, the amber bottles that
I received my fragrance oils in.
I kept tens and twenties of these sitting on the shelf waiting for a "project".
Last month I altered a few of them with antique silk velvet ruched roses and
Hammered spoon pendants 

 All displayed inside an absolutely wonderful antique iron stove.
One of the largest I have come across.
 But I also adore this antique Victorian musical instrument case.
I have no idea what instrument, but I love the velvet...

I find it odd that as I am purging color from my home,
I am particularly attracted to it at the Shoppe.
I guess it's good that I have both.

Thank you for stopping by today.......
and if it is your first time here and you choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :)

Where you always find
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  1. Sorry Jana, I'm sure the answer is in your blog somewhere, but I wouldn't know where to look - I noticed you said you're purging colour from your home, and was wondering what you are doing? Are you going mainly white, or a lot of neutrals. I am doing something like that, but would love to have another house to keep colourful. It's great that you have the shop - the best of both worlds.

    Lisa x

  2. Oh yes, the older the better. I love your bottles with the tattered sheet music. What a great idea to use that instrument case as a little shelf. Great treasures!

  3. The bottles are lovely!!! I love old bottles myself and my collection keeps growing!! I may have to borrow your idea with the sheet music!!! Thanks!

  4. Oh girl I'm with you the older the better..they just made junk these give me a piece of antique furniture and I'm in heaven ha ha!! GREAT case and the way you have it displyed..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  5. I love to see old treasures given a new lease on life! Great ideas and lovely post.

    Best wishes,

  6. Beautiful eye candy beautifully displayed. Yes, I too have the love of old and simply must rescue and bring it home with me but my display skills pale compared to yours. Very well done and thank you for sharing!

  7. Oh I just love those bottles- they looks so darling!! Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)

  8. Oh I adore your bottles~ swoon!

    I am currently hosting an auction of vintage and antique linen treasures. Stop by and take a peek.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hi Janna, I don't blame you for not throwing these out, they make gorgeous altered bottles. Love how you've decorated them. Thanks for sharing these and linking up to the party!
    big hugs,

  10. Wonderful! I love how you displayed the old music case, very nice! Thanks for linking up!


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