June 13, 2011

Le' Pre'miere Chairapaloosa

My "day off" was spent working on the huge
Amount of inventory being prepared for the upcoming
Le' Pre'miere Summer Showcase
on June 25th here at the Shoppe.

It features product that has not been for sale inside
the Shoppe and is a fun event to put together...

What's finished is lined up and ready to price.
For some reason this time around there seem to be
Alot of chairs....all shapes, sizes, styles and NOW
All colors as well......

 But if you look at "the pile",
You can see there's alot more to do.
 I'm pretty much junk drunk at this point.
But not to worry......I'm too busy to try to drive :)  

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If you are a new visitor and choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :) 


  1. "junk drunk!" I love it! LOL!
    How in the world are you getting all of these painted so quickly. You sure have lots of good stuff to sell and I know it's all gonna be sold quickly.


  2. I love old single chairs. I can't pass them up. Wish I could have been where you were.

  3. I hope you sell every single piece!!


  4. Hi, I found your blog through my friend LuLu. Your shop has brought back a lot of beautiful memories for me. I am a person who likes the old and I will be back to visit to see what you are doing. Some of the chairs I have seen. A couple was in my grandparents home a long time ago. Have a great day. A new Missouri Friend.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.