June 14, 2011

Le' Pre'miere Sea of White......

The "paint fest" continues as I ready for the second
Le' Pre'miere Quarterly Showcase Sale on
June 25th.....

My backyard is full to the brim with pieces of antique and vintage
furniture in various states of completion.

 I feel certain all the mammals will be grateful when all is moved
To the Shoppe as it is slowing down their chasing squirrels......

 But there are also pieces at the Shoppe that are receiving a makeover
For the upcoming event.
This wonderful old china cabinet had it's last chance to be sold in it's original state.

 (Who says I don't save a buck whenever I can?)
 Oops paint at Home Depot is a life saver.....
 I use a dry brush technique so it is easier to distress.....

It takes about  two or three coats, but I like it better than thick primer.

 You put it on, and "knock" a little bit of it off.....

 And the same technique with these antique trunks......

And just a little funky something I'm working on.
The insides to an antique wall clock......
Great as a photo holder...

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If you visit and choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back :)

Today I'm linking with Kathleen's White Wednesday
and a new link party called
Alchemy Fine Living


  1. Hi Jana, I am taking a break from embroidering to read blogs tonight. I enjoyed your post tonight and I truly am old fashioned. I love the antique look and love seeing what other people do to repurpose an item. Your cabinet looks good. Thanks for becoming one of my followers and leaving a comment. I so enjoy them. Have a great day. Your new Missouri Friend.

  2. I like the transformations of the pieces, should easily go Home with some fortunate Treasure Hunter now!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. What a gorgeous cabinet - nice work!

  4. Fabulous transformation!! I just started a blog paty "from trash to treasure" and this post would be a great additon. I hope you'll stop by and join in!

  5. Hi Jana...looks like you are making beautiful progress!

  6. Sooo pretty!! I love it!! Your sea of white is heavenly :)) Your shop is beautiful!! I would love to visit. I look forward to the day when I will have mine again. I miss it terribly but have a booth for now in Spring near Houston. All in His time :))
    Take care!!
    Have a wonderful day!!

  7. It's fantastic what a coat or two of white paint can do! I'm loving your blog!


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