July 28, 2011

Do You Believe in Karma?

I bet you are no different than me when I say that
Sometimes I just give up on the human race.
Especially if you are in the service industry or work retail....
They are in one word.....GRACELESS.

But then there are other times that I am amazed at their
Generosity, their caring nature, and their overwhelming kindness....
And fortunately for me, it has been one of the latter weeks.

Three different customers brought me things this week....
Just because they knew I would appreciate them,
Because they knew I would use them,
Just to be nice.
 Knowing I love velvet, these bolts of vintage velvet ribbon
Were given to me....just because.
 The lace came from a little elderly couple that knew my affinity for old lace and textiles.

These sweet little necklaces were  inside an old velvet pouch.
Upon closer inspection, they are 14k and just precious.
They had belonged to her great grandmother and no one wanted them anymore.
Although I don't understand that,
 I have learned to accept people's feelings and try not to judge.

But the very, very best surprise of all was the little
Victorian mesh handbag
the necklaces were tucked inside.
I had a "suck air" 'moment on this one.

I don't know why this happens,
but it happens a lot and I am very grateful.
I like to think it is incoming karma
for all those good things I do....
it keeps me doing them anyway :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
If you visit here and choose to follow....
Please know I always follow back :)

Stay Cool!


  1. how super sweet~~gorgeous gifts!

  2. Oh yes very very cool... I am hoping to get some good karma back anyday now~ Hugs, Diane

  3. We certainly get back more than we give out....it may not come when we want it to but we will reap what we sow and you my dear are always sowing...or should that be sewing?...LOL, I crack myself up!

    You are one of the most kind and genuine people I have ever met and I am blessed to have you in my life.


  4. Such beautiful treasures. I believe they made it into your possession because you will love and appreciate them.


  5. Oh how wonderful I do wish that would happen to me.Do you document it all with their names etc?I love to do that when I can.


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