August 2, 2011

Bazarniville.....I love you :)

I know I'm going to shock some of you when I say I don't like garage sales....
I don't like going to them, and I really really dislike having them...
Just won't do it.
It's not that good things cannot be found at them,
I just don't have the time or the energy to spend
going to them...I don't like the house thing, I don't like the junk thing,
I am just a garage sale snob I guess.
I don't hardly go to auctions either....
To me that is like shooting fish in a barrel.
The items have already been "found", and
Now I am expected to fight for them...
Just can't do it...don't have the patience or the desire.

Ok, so where do I like to go to get all my wonderful stuff?
I do have a few flea market haunts that keep me
Coming back with the good stuff and prices they have.
But, I also love the Bazarniville....absolutely LOVE IT.
It is a church sale once a year that is packed so full of so much inventory
That people start lining up at 7:00 am to get inside.....
Me included.
And that is something I don't do for anything else, ever....
It's that good.

I found this wonderful vintage chrome child's display rack.....
Perfect for my baby section.
 Not to mention this 16 light vintage chandelier with all the crystals.

 A retro wrought iron patio set from the 50's.
Just need a little TLC and it's perfect.

Also with a matching pair of wrought iron patio tables.

 Not to mention this cast iron Victorian fireplace insert....

 And an old window grate.

 Pretty run of the mill stuff, you say?
Would you think it was better if I broke my cardinal rule and
Told you what it set me back?
Try under $50.00 for everything.
Can  you see now why I love the Bazarniville....

Thank for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come.
If you choose to follow,
Please know I always follow back.


  1. Holy pete! Under 50 for everything? I have a "thing" for chandeliers so if you get sick of it please give me a call!

  2. I do see why you love Bazarniville. What a score! Love all the stuff you found.

    Hugs XX

  3. I want to go to Barzarniville too:)! Wow....what must have had a big smile on your face after that excursion:)!

  4. You hit the mother lode!!!

    Of course, you have a fantastic eye for fabulous things!



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