August 4, 2011

Old Suitcase Reinvented........

I have worked on and completed special orders all week long.
.....and it has seemed like work.
Maybe because they are already paid for and
I have no special incentive to get them finished sooner:)
Funny how that works.....the carrot is gone,
So there is a different attitude towards what I am making...
Not that that's right, but it is human nature.

Finally, I was able to just play and create.
Because the days are so incredibly hot,
Not many souls venture out in the late afternoon....
Which gives me time inside the Shoppe to do lots of things,

I had a vision of an alterned suitcase using old velvets and trims.
I used a smaller case to begin with as this would normally be something
You would carry around, rather than toss around .

 Lots of rich velvets, trims, and tapestries

For the boheminian look I adore....

 First of several designs I have in mind...
All to be carried under the  nettie jane design label.
 Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

Today I am joining with the following parties.
Check them out and find wonderful things....

Stay cool!


  1. Love the altered suitcase!! It's really sweeet!
    I've got two or three old suitcases that I want to turn into something special and yours inspires me.

    Hugs XX

  2. Hi Jana,
    This is lovely. Sometimes it's fun just to create something because you want to.



Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.