October 7, 2011

My Garage Sale Find......

One of my favorite pieces of furniture to come along in quite a while
is this beautiful corner curio cabinet.

I was on my way to the Shoppe one Saturday morning and
Happened to see a garage sale.
Now, if you know me at all, you know I don't go to garage sales....
I don't have them, I don't shop them, I just don't have the patience or
the luxury of time to get in and out of the car hoping to find
something wonderful among mostly junk.

I envy those that do, as I know it pays off for them.
I see great treasures found by others,
But that just doesn't happen to me.

I did spot this cabinet in it's original wooden state.
The glass is convex and the bottom piece was missing.
The owners assured me they had contacted a glass company
it would only cost $15.00 to replace it good as new.
Well, I knew that wasn't right,
But I did think I might be about to get it for under $100 and
the price was right on the display cabinet.

I bought it and then forgot to go back and pick it up.
Fortunately, the owners had my phone number and
Called me a week later to come get it....
yep, I was embarrassed.

It sat in my garage for three months when
I finally took the door off to get the glass replaced.
When I received an estimate of $400
I took my door and came home.

I painted it my new favorite color...

 Inserted the wire screen into the bottom door....
for a cost of $20.00

And called it a day.....
Sometimes things just work out :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

This week I am linking to

Check them out for wonderful inspiration.



  1. OK, this is seriously GORGEOUS! I truly love the wire on the bottom!!

    Great job Sweetheart! Bravo!


  2. OmiGOSH, it's just GORGEOUS!! What an inspired move to use the wire. Beautifully finished!

    Deborah ♥♥ (visiting happily from http://upcyclingmylife.blogspot.com/... hope you can drop by and say hi!)

  3. Jana, this is so lovely. I think the color is wonderful and the curvy front is just devine!
    You are seriously overworked girl when you forget to go back and pick up something so pretty!


  4. I love it and how smart were you?

  5. Great color and what a thrfty fix that is so smart looking! Thanks for sharing this lovely post at Potpourri Friday. I appreciate your participation!


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