October 8, 2011

Old TV Cabinets, Bored Dogs, & Vision

I have taken in items for consignment over the years,
and am not always fond of what comes my way.
You would think I could just turn it away,
however, it usually comes with a couple of other fabulous pieces,
so what the hay?

The TV cabinets are the absolute worst,
unless you count the computer desks everyone one bought as huge pieces of furniture
....including myself.

I did, however, finally get around to painting this piece trying to change it's look.
Nothing worked, until I opened the side panel doors and simply filled it
with antique suitcases for great storage and new purpose.

I even like it now.
 Clyde wanted me to show you what he
 and his wife Bonnie, and children Effie and Layla did one day when they were bored....
 I made the mistake of thinking this couch would be safe for a day in the garage
until Goodwill could pick it up.......WOW, was I wrong!!!!
 BUT, it also gave me vision for another project......
Can you tell what this is going to be when it's done?
If you said the beginnings of a chaise lounge,
You're absolutely correct!

Have a great weekend and

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.


  1. Hi jana!
    I think your cabinet turned out wonderful and looks great with those old suitcases stored there!! Good job :-))
    Not so good job for your doggies though HA! They are SO cute and the look in Clydes eyes just says We had fun Mom!!

  2. Hi jana!
    I think your cabinet turned out wonderful and looks great with those old suitcases stored there!! Good job :-))
    Not so good job for your doggies though HA! They are SO cute and the look in Clydes eyes just says We had fun Mom!!

  3. Bored dogs not good lol love teh TV cabinet idea

  4. I was going to say a fainting couch so I was almost right! I can't wait to see it!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of the fur babies!


  5. The old TV cabinet is perfect with the suitcases, what a great idea that was.
    The pups are smarter than you thought! They had a vision and were just trying to help you along. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  6. I cannot wait to see the chaise when you have repurposed it:)! And you would never have known...if not for your beautiful pups:)


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