November 1, 2011

My Designs Have Never Been for the Faint of Heart :)

It goes without saying that my taste
Can be considered over the top in clothing and design.....

And good proof of point is my lace boa.... 

Full of fluff and femininity

Made with gorgeous vintage lace....

That I had bought on a bolt years and years ago.

And perfect for the girlie girl........

I'm joining Faded Charm's White Wednesday this week.......
Lots of beautiful whites.


  1. I love your white lace boa. I am a lace girl to and just used some of a old bolt I had to do a lace technique on my coffee table. Now I want to make a boa like yours! Would be great on the Christmas mantle.

  2. Oh my....that is just beautiful, Jana! I always love to see what you pull from your "fabric archives:)!"

  3. You go girl, it looks great! Di@cottage-wishes

  4. It looks great, you go girl. Di@http:/

  5. Is that tons of hand tied lace 'ribbons' on there? That's crazy - but beautiful!


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