November 8, 2011

*****White Ironstone*****

 I never tire of the way old ironstone looks and feels.....

And trust me....if it's white, it's coming home with me.

I started collecting these magnificent pieces years ago
When you could still find them at a decent price....

With or without their original wash basin bowls,
I love them all.

And don't even shy away from the "fancy"ones either....

Then, of course, there is all the old McCoy ironstone pottery......
I have to have all I's a sickness of sorts :)

And I actually use the platters for serving
Large family meals....

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.

I'm joining Kathleen's White Wednesday with my collection today....


  1. Hi Jana,
    You have a lovely collection of white ironstone. I agree that it is irresistible!


  2. I love all your whites. I looked back on some of your older posts and really enjoyed your dining-room. Gorgeous! More please. :) Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

  3. I love finding white dishes, and pitchers, bowls you name it. And it all goes together when you set the table... Great finds!

  4. *Le sigh* Look at all these whites! My faves!

    Trying to catch up on Blog visits this morning. I have been running the Goat Rodeo solo and have been busy as a beeeeeeeeee!

    Love ya Girlie!

  5. I will never be able to part with my white ware either. I love the discoloring, the chips, the cracks.....and the white:)!


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