February 29, 2012

Old Birdcages & the Upcoming Dolly Johnson Antique Show

I was accepted as a dealer in the upcoming Dolly Johnson Antique & Art show
scheduled for March 9 & 10 at the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth.

It is a juried show so I am very pleased, as well as honored to be a part of the event. 

The caveat being I am limited to antique and vintage garden items.
Not that it is a problem since I have been "stockpiling" this type of inventory
for some time now since it is so popular inside and out.

I have several .....okay, a lot of old birdcages....
I am converting some into standing floor lamps while others are becoming hanging lamps...

And call me crazy, but some are even going as birdcages themselves :)

Who would want to change the architectural appeal of what is already a piece of art within itself....

Or the historic appeal of an old Hendrix cage....
Certainly not me.
And , of course, you have to have some candleabras with a little bling as well.... 

Along with these few samplings, I have old concrete statues and birdbaths...
Planter, stands, pots, linens, benches, chairs, tables, columns....and more and MORE.
I'm tired just thinking about it.
In the area March 9th or 10th....?
Check out the show....there are over 75 hand chosen dealers....
and a lot of unique items.
No reproductions.....no new.....the real deal from all over
the United States.....


February 23, 2012

I'm Really NOT That Person.....

Really I'm not.
I admit I DO have my obsessions....but I am past having to own all I see.
I try not to hoard

Things just got confusing as I was being rushed....as usual.

We had plans, but I was watching several antique key auctions on Ebay.
I only wanted one lot which would provide me enough keys for the jewelry
I am making.

None of the auctions ended for a couple of hours,
and I was going to be away from a computer.

Like any seasoned Ebayer knows,
You just put in your max bid and let it roll...
unless, of course, it is something you just can't live without and you "stalk" it :),
but that's a whole other story...
I had the hope and expectation of winning at least one of the auctions....

My bids weren't high,
There were a lot of bidders on each auction...
I simply put in the amount I was willing to pay.

I completely forgot about the auctions that evening,
and didn't realize until the next morning I had won ALL five auctions.

Can you say "life time supply" of antique and vintage keys?

Thanks for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come:)

February 22, 2012

Are You Hungry?

Sometimes I just love staying at home and doing all the things that
I seemingly never have time to do anymore....like baking.
I honestly believe that if I had enough time to reinvent myself again,
I would become a chef as I love to cook.

I started my day making the peanut brittle I never had time to make at Christmas...
I had all the ingredients and it's really very easy.

It's all done in the microwave and the sugar, syrup, and peanut mixture gets
extremely hot.

The "magic" part is when you add the baking soda
as it seems to take on a life of it's own :)

Once poured onto a cookie sheet to cool it becomes one big patty.

And breaks up nicely for individual servings.

An absolute must is airtight storage to keep it from becoming sticky.

Not to blow my own horn, but I've been told my peanut brittle is the absolute best.
and I think my secret is the Mexican vanilla I use in my cooking.
I discovered it years ago when I was flying into Mexico so much while a Flight Attendant.

As embarrassing as it is, you can see I have used this same recipe for along time,
as the pages stick together and are covered in peanut brittle themselves....
This is the only recipe within the book that looks like this....
I think because the process goes so quickly that there is no time for "neat".

 I was then onto oatmeal cookies....

They bake flat and crispy....and were gone within a day.

The easiest thing I put together was a cherry strudel.
I used prepared pie crust, filled with canned pie filling.
I always add just a little sugar to the canned filling as I find it bitter.
I top it with a few pats of organic unsweetened butter and
Fold the crust over onto the fruit.

The strudel topping is simply equal parts of flour and powdered sugar,
mixed with softened organic butter until you have a crumbly mixture.
Add the mixture to the top of your strudel and bake until lightly browned.
It looks like you spent hours making this one, and it only takes about 10 minutes.
Impresses them every time:)

Cooking not only feeds my tummy, but my soul as well.
It's amazing how "nesting" can rejuvenate the creative process.

Looks like "tomorrow" has come...
and it's about time.

I've never posted about food before, but hope to include all items shown in my
"Tutorials & Recipes" section above when I do.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

February 19, 2012

Maybe Tomorrow.....

It's a busy time, but that's a good thing.
But there is only one of me and that is a bad thing.

I look around the Shoppe at the things I have done and
the things that are working....

I try to ignore the fact the necklace display is almost out of product....
waiting on ME to create more....

and that the supply of pillows is dwindling daily....

then I remember I have no time to actually "make" anything....

So, I schedule classes to help jump start that creative process....

In teaching, I get to create.

Putting on hold my desire to learn and to
Continue the porcelain classes I've been taking myself *sigh*

And pull energy from the things I have already completed....

Allowing myself to walk around the Shoppe realizing all
I really HAVE done.

Even if it doesn't feel like that much all the time...

Probably because my soap and spray shelves are just about bare....

With customers complaining daily that their favorite candles are all sold...

But I do have hope and maybe this antique French lace will inspire me...

Giving me "permission" to stop the daily chores for just a few hours....

And do the things I love.
The only person that can make time for me is ME.....
I've just never been good at making that happen.

Maybe tomorrow :)

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.

February 11, 2012

Whatever Floats Your Boat.......

I am so incredibly in love with this pillow...
Maybe because of the luscious velvet, or
Maybe because of the intricate silk embroidery...

Regardless......it melts my heart :)

And not that it's at all related, but I started making these
Chicken wire table top mannequins about a year ago and posted about them then.

Aside from the chicken wire being awkward to work with,
The little forms go together very easily.

I always surprise myself when I come up with a different way to
Use something I make, when it is so obvious in the first place??

I think these little ladies look perfect used as a lamp shade over a
Stick type lamp......allowing just the right amount of lighting,
and wonderful whimsy.

Dress them up, or dress them down
for whatever look that floats your boat....

Thank for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come...

Back to getting ready for the Dolly Johnson Antique Show
March 9th in Fort Worth....

See you later :)