March 12, 2012

Dolly Johnson 49th Antique Show~Fort Worth, Texas

I made the decision early in the week to rent a truck so
Travis and I didn't have to make four trips back and fourth
transporting the cold and in the rain.

Smart move, for sure.

 Will Rogers Coliseum is a huge facility and we were able to pull inside to unload.
So the process of unloading the truck began...... 
 I already had a vision in mind of what I wanted my booth to reflect.
The columns and stained glass made the backdrop and set the mood
for my garden theme.

I know everyone thought I would never get everything packed in my 10x20....
But they didn't know how good I was at packing and stacking :)
This wasn't my first "rodeo". 
 Although the baby bed love seat came back to the Shoppe.....
I have to admit that I'm a little glad....
It looks wonderful there and I wasn't really ready to see it go.
 But the Army cot is going to Round Top via Sherri.
 Although the show is all about antiques ONLY,
I got special permission to bring my lavender line...
After all, it's gardener's soap, mosquito spray, and sachets.
I had to smile all day long because everyone also wanted the little peat pots
I displayed the candles inside....
I reminded them to remove them before they lit the candles.....
Hope they remember..... 
 Artificial flowers or plants were not permitted,
So I used small herbs and limes for pops of color.....
The herbs will go into  my herb garden behind the Shoppe....
And the limes.....well, I had 250 of them so I'm thinking I need to drink a lot of tequila 
In the upcoming week.......but hey, they were 25 for $1.00.....
You would have bought that many, too :) 
 As items sold, I rearranged and rearranged....
Somehow it always looked full, regardless of how much went out the door.
 At the end of the two day show
my dogs were barking......
But we had 5 hours of load out time.

Was it hard work.....absolutely...
Was it worth betcha ya!

Lots of new friends....
.tons of wonderful contacts....
and new customers for the Shoppe...
I'm one happy Chica!

Thank for stopping by today...
You know I  love it when you come :)

This week I'm joining Kathleen's White Wednesday....


  1. What a great show. You sure did pack a lot into that size booth! WOW! Love all the limes. I don't think I have EVER seen 25 limes for $1.00. What a buy. Too bad you weren't in the lime selling business!

    I hope you are rested up by now and I am glad that you had such good success. xo Diana

  2. Love the way you set up! And new I liked your style, however when I came to the red boots, I couldn't believe it! I have some just like them, and love to wear them whenever I can! and your right, I would have bought the limes too, probably freeze them for summer drinks!

  3. Hi Jana, I'm dropping in via Faded Charm. I really enjoyed your post, your booth is stunning! I am now your newest follower and look forward to visiting again.

    Hugs from So Cal,

    BTW: I'm also your newest Pinterest follower!

  4. Oh I would love to go see that show Fabulous things!

  5. im so glad i found you at white wednesday ~ i just LOVE your blog!! thanks for all the inspiration and eye candy!!


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