March 11, 2012

Would You Have Guessed This is an Army Cot?

Before I share the photos of the Dolly Johnson Antique Show I
participated in this past weekend,
I wanted to show you one of the pieces that was completed for the event.

It is actually an Army cot.
....and from Vietnam as well so it doesn't even have to be new.

I painted all the wood legs and frame, distressing a little.
The cot was draped in a custom made "bed" skirt using
the same canvas painter's drop cloth I used on the love seat
I posted about last week.
A down mattress was slip covered in an envelope casing 
with a French ruffle for added detailing.

I also made down pillows, adding vintage buttons.
It's a wonderful piece to take outside, to the lake, or add to your bedroom
or a reading nook.

If you are going to Round Top you might see it for sale.
Another dealer scooped it up to dress up her booth there.
Even if I can't be there, I'm there in spirit :)

Thank you to all the new people following.....
I promise to get around to everyone as soon as I get the
Shoppe put back together from the show.....
or at least until I can make my way to the computer.

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.  


  1. I love your blog,and this little cot is gorgeous. I do like the way you dressed it up. Just lovely
    x jeanetteann

  2. Major swooning going on here! Jana, this is beautiful!


  3. I would have never guessed, it looks lovely! Janice


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