April 29, 2012

Funky Junk Sisters Junk Salvation....Can You Say "FUN"

An early morning,
A three hour drive...
A hot windy day....

                                                                  A day long set up,
                                                        Combined with wonderful new friends....
                                          A steady stream of customers....and a busy two days.
I have a lot more pictures,
and info about the event...
But today I rest.... 

If you call unloading the truck with items that didn't sell....
things I bought  :)

Thanks for stopping by today..
You know I love it when you come...

April 18, 2012

Sometimes What It Is.....Is Enough

Sometimes pieces come into the Shoppe that "are what they are"....
These two pieces are just that.

How could I paint or change such beauty.
Just can't do it.

The first piece is quite grand and huge.
It came today and I am happy to be it's new keeper.

While the one below has been around a while.

I love them both.

And I firmly believe that you never do really "own" an antique...
You just safeguard it and enjoy it until it's next keeper.

Thanks for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come.

This week I'll be joining

Vintage Inspiration Friday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday

April 17, 2012

Updating Store Bought Chair Covers

 Digging through bags of laces,
I came across two "store bought" chair slip covers.

They were pretty nondescript which is probably
Why they were pushed aside.

I was altering clothing that day and thought "why not?"

Using a pair of vintage valances, I ruffled the bottom of each
of the slipcovers...adding an eyelet ruffle from a pair of 
vintage curtains as well.

I love the custom look that only took an afternoon to complete,
and the fact I had all of the materials on hand.

I also love to recycle and repurpose....
it makes me feel good :)

Thanks for stopping by today..
You know I love it when you come.

I'm joining White Wednesday this week...
check it out:)

April 16, 2012

Bagged and Tagged.......

On Saturday I discovered my very favorite place to shop for old buttons
     and dry goods had closed.....
How could I not know that?

I also discovered a store nearby had bought out their stock of buttons.
They had them all for sale at discounted prices.
I was told you could just go in a scoop them up by color
and by bagfuls.

Well, part of that was right.
You COULD go and scoop them up....
but if you wanted the separate colors like I did, they were
a whole lot more money.

I found tubs and tubs of multi colored buttons....
hmmm.....dilemna for sure as I only wanted whites and neutrals.

So, what the hey...
I stood there for about two hours and picked the ones I wanted.
I know the ladies thought I was crazy....
They kept asking "You finding what you looking for?"

And I did. 

They have now been "bagged and tagged"
and are ready for the
 Funky Junk Sisters Show in

I can literally tell everyone these buttons were
handpicked just for them....

I'm now off to beat some spoons.....
for pendants that is.

I bet it makes me feel better :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come 

This week I am joining Thrifty Nifty Tuesday

April 13, 2012

Sweet Chandelier Lamp Shades

I'm still getting ready for the Funky Junk Sisters Show
in Austin the end of the month.

I came up from my sewing machine long enough today
to make some mini lamp shades to take with me as well.

Although it is an antique and vintage show,
I am taking just my nettie jane designs.

And these are part of that line.

They are created using vintage clothing, trims, and embellishments.

And they aren't all pink....
I just love this vintage crushed velvet.

I have used it several times before,
And this design always sells quickly.

I'll be sad when the remainder of the garment
is gone.

It's back to the sewing machine tomorrow.
I'm hoping to have it all completed in time :)

 Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come....

Today I'm joining Beverly's Pink Saturday....

April 5, 2012

On the Road Again....Funky Junk Sisters~Austin, Texas

Several weeks ago I received an invitation
to participate in the upcoming Austin, Texas
It is scheduled April 27and 28th.

The Funky Junk Sisters
Junk Salvation Vintage Market

This is the same time as the Country Living Expo.
This is also the first Texas sale they have.
They launch their various events around big events
so as to gain double exposure.

I have been invited to bring my nettie jane designs,
and I'm very excited at this opportunity.

That means for the next two weeks
I will do nothing but create,
hoping to have enough inventory to
cover the sale.

My crochet linens are literally stacked to the
ceiling and in massive piles around the Shoppe.

There are also numerous handbags in various
states of completion as those are going, too.

Some need to be tea stained for overall uniformity...

While others are waiting on linings and handles...

Many new designs are going into the mix.....
It's getting crazy.....

But did I tell you the event is being held at a ghost town
right outside of Austin, Texas?

It is, and this is MY building.....
I'm in overload thinking what I can do with this place....

I'm certain paint is out of the question *wink*....

But it's gonna get "girled up" for sure :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
you know I love it when you come.