July 24, 2012

A Second Shoppe Location in Canton, Texas

Wow........what have I done?

Anyone that has read me for a while knows that I have set up at the infamous Canton Flea Market on First Mondays a couple of times this year. Some to just test the waters and also to be able to say I've done it.

 Well, I've applied and have been accepted in the coveted Lewis Arbors Lock and Leaves for a permanent space.  I am so excited to have been one of the ten chosen from the 100 applicants........I can't wait to keep you up to date as this wonderful new venture develops for me.

This won't affect the Shoppe at all....
.just hopefully make it better as well........

All I can say is........


  1. That is just wonderful, Jana!
    Good things come to good people, I believe that.
    Do you see my buddy Troy there often? I just love him.

    Congrats, my friend!

    P.S. Added you to my blogroll, sweet girl! :-)

  2. OMGoodnes, Jana- You are gonna be ONE BUSY gal! xo Diana

  3. Congratulations on being selected. You are crazy talented so I know you will do well. I also love your positive attitude about wonderful things happening. I enjoy reading and seeing your creative ideas on your blog and wished I lived in your area to shop at your store. Keep it coming!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.