July 30, 2012

Chair Bones

One of the things I am liking right now
happens to be what I call "chair bones"

Strip all the old upholstery from an antique chair....
Leave the burlap, springs, and webbing...
And you're good to go.
It retains it's strength and can be used as normal.
I'm really like this piece....
evidently so does Punkin......if I didn't have animals everywhere,
well, my life just wouldn't be normal.

Thanks for stopping by today....
My life is really crazy right now,
I love it when you come.


  1. Well, I hope your life slows down soon. Have a great week- xo Diana

  2. Hi Jana,
    I've been out of the blog loop for awhile now so I'm stopping by to catch-up!
    I see you on FB and know that you are branching out and working like crazy.

    Hope you are having a good summer.


  3. That is gorgeous!

    I don't like the chalk paint craze, either.
    I think it's overpriced, and sort of like the Emperor's new clothes. It's a bandwagon thing that everyone is jumping on.

    Beautiful as always!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.