August 22, 2012

First Monday, Main Street Antique Trade Days, & Staying Grounded

If anyone is tired of hearing about Canton,
well, join the crowd.......
I need to have this done and on to other things.
That will happen next week as
Canton First Monday begins August 29th....
ready or not.
Still a lot to do, but I feel better that three other
dealers haven't even started yet.
They probably have a staff of ten that will whip it out in a day.
While me, myself, and I have to do it in stages...
But, then it gets done the way I want it done.
Help has it's advantages and disadvantages.

The counter is made of old windows filled with vintage New York theatre
playbills.  The top is decoupaged with the front covers of programs.
My cash register is an old calculator type.
It doesn't do much besides keep the money secure and total the sales of the day.
The suitcases behind the counter are to hold
all the money I will make.....
I keep telling myself that in order to keep this engine goin'!
One of my absolute favorite things in the space right now.
My sweet man made both of these items.
The table is made of old wood and the chalkboard
is made of an old door framed with 2x4s.
He's so good.
This corner will have fabric at the back hanging down the full
length of the wall,
Then be filled with all my nettie jane clothing
and accessories
Once the chalkboard was painted atop the wall,
I knew it would work for me.
I am even embracing the wood behind the heavy wire walls.
It actually looks a little industrial and I like that.
The flip side of the space will literally be covered in furniture
and such.....the blackboard above the wall will
have various information written on them along the way.
The basics of the counter are set up, just need to add
all the smalls and decorative items I will be selling.
This corner is still in progress....
There will be a couple of upholstered chairs
and a few pieces of small furniture.
The walls will be covered with antique mirrors
and such.
The back wall will also be draped with the same fabric
as it's corresponding wall on the other side.
In front of that will be a really funky iron bed
setting at an angle covered with all my handmade
pillows and bedding.
I'm still working on camouflaging the wall, so
who knows at this point how it will eventually be.
The Collected Treasures'
Main Street Antique Trade Days
Flea Market is slated for October 6th. 
 All the spaces have been
rented and I am looking forward to a really good sale.
It is being held at the same time as Downtown Arlington hosts
it's very first Main Street Art Festival.
You can see why it's all so chaotic here.
My sweet baby, Tatsey, turns 3 tomorrow.
My family truly keeps me grounded.
I believe without them, none of this would be worth it.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl.

Thanks for stopping by today.
I truly appreciate the fact you indulge me
by reading blog.
I love it when you come.

1 comment:

  1. Wow girl! You have done a lot of work. I hope the show goes really well for you and you fill at least ONE of those suitcases with money!!! Blessings to you- xo Diana


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