August 14, 2012

Reality Sets In~The First Load to Canton

I've been questioning my sanity and wondering if I was actually dreaming.....
Why, just why would I put myself in a position for so much more
Responsibility and work?

Crazy is the only answer I have.

This is my first load to Canton.
I was feeling very inadequate when I arrived and my neighbors
on BOTH sides were there with table saws, drills, and enough
wood to build a small room onto a home.

Travis and I unloaded the heavy items I needed help with
and the ones that will work primarily as my fixtures within
the whole scheme of this vision I have.

 My neighbor on the South of me had extended the wall up almost
two feet.  I had planned to cover my walls with antique lace panels
and old wooden doors, but this threw me for a loop.

How was I going to cover up this ugly.
I decided I'm going to paint the wall abover the iron support in
chalkboard paint....but that is next week.

It seems I already have a "chalkboard thing" going on
with my sideboard chalkboard panels and large over the table chalkboard.

On my North side his construction is a bit different....
These will also be painted out as individual chalkboards,
being "framed" with a different color.....
much like my side door panels...

Below is my wonderful neighbor that just couldn't help me enough.
The one thing I can tell anyone about Canton....
the dealers are the absolute best....
I am so fortunate to be part of that group.

My first open date is August 29th...

All I can say is .....
WOW, these are crazy times!!!

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come! 


  1. Oh- You can do this, Jana- You KNOW you can! Besides, I hate to think I am the ONLY crazy person around! Wish I was there to help you set up- xo Diana

  2. Wow!! Gone to Canton!!! That is so exciting! Hope we can find your space on our next trip. Looks like
    it will be awesome, the chalkboard doors really define the entry.
    Wishing you much success!
    Hugs, Maki

  3. I am so excited for you! This is going to be fabulous and I can't wait to see the finished area! Sending Love!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.