December 31, 2014

And this is New Year's Eve.....

Today I am meeting a customer at
the Shoppe so she can pick up some items....

I'm nothing if not accommodating :)

This afternoon I will  paint yet another piece
of my daughter's furniture....
The painting will continue into the year
as we paint everything in her house white.

She is my daughter, after all :)

This evening I will soak my black eyed peas for
easier cooking tomorrow....
We will enjoy our traditional dinner of
fried chicken, jalapeno black eyed peas, mashed potatoes,
and gravy....

I am a Texas girl, you know :)

Tonight will be a nice dinner
And grand babies, and a warm cozy fire, with all my furry babies...

Because I am so blessed.

Happy New Year...

You have the ability to change your life
in ways that will make
you happy.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds perfect to me Jana! Hoping you have a wonderful 2015!!!!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.