January 5, 2015

2015.....It's On Like Donkey Kong

I love the thought of a new year.....
what is it about a "day" that makes us feel that
we can just start over....

Repairing old relationships,
Changing our lifelong habits,

Feeling as though we can conquer the year?

I have no idea, I just know I'm right there with you.

I have incredible plans and goals for the year.....
as I always do :)

Some are met, some go by the wayside,
but I always end the year by feeling better about 
what I have done,

and isn't that the point?

This year my goals and desires are quite ambitious....
Even I know that.
However, if you don't plan, if you don't dream, or if you don't try,
then they surely won't come to fruition.

This year I want:

To take my website to success, to have my Shoppe published in a magazine.....
or three :) or four.

I want recognition within my City.....not awards or anything, just to
see Downtown Arlington come into it's own and be thriving....
or at least appreciated in being here while we are waiting.

I want a successful Etsy shop selling very select items I make to wholesale customers. 

I want to be published again and again in Somerset for my creations....
pick one of their publications....any one of them, or all of them.

I want to restart blogging with "how to" projects and take it to the level of my Facebook, 
I want Facebook to be bigger for me.

I want Moments to explode and have parties booked to the end of the year
and will find a way to make that happen through self promotion.

I will teach many classes throughout the year.

I will spend a lot of time determining what is best for me.

I will depend on no one for my happiness or financial security.

I will be, above everything else.....happy. 

and it all depends of me.

2015......it's on like donkey kong!

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