If you own a store or run your own antique business, then you will understand what I am about to share.....if you don't , then I promise you have asked this question...........and that being ....."Where do you get all of your stuff?" . It is because I know the question is in total innocence that I always politely reply with a very nonspecific answer and change the subject......Like I'm going to tell my customer where to go to get the stuff I buy and eliminate the need for ME . I had another store owner once tell me to answer the question with the reply "at the stuff store". I tried that, and you won't believe how many people didn't "get it" and actually ask me where the "stuff store" was.......guess I just couldn't pull that one off, huh?
This is one of the places I go locally when I have just an extra hour or so, as it is close and usually always provides my "fix", if only for a while. The store has a good mix of vintage in with newer things, but well worth the drive. It is very unpretentious, extremely well priced, and well organized in spite of the over abundance of small inventory. I have never left this store empty handed or disappointed in what I find. I sometimes have to look very hard through all of the new imported China items to find the good stuff, but it is there. Sometimes in need of some TLC and reinventing, but that is what makes it so much fun, especially for a dealer like me who finds the challenge in taking a cast off and making someone want it again......Yep, I shop at the Stuff Store!