May 30, 2009


It goes without saying that we are all just passing this stuff around.......and all of the beautiful things Carolyn Hilliard of "Then and Now" brought in this weekend to set up her new booth in the store just further reinforces my belief in this theory. From antique tole rose chandeliers to vintage linens and pictures, her booth is a 'for sure' piece of EYE CANDY. My only concern is that I love it ALL and will feel the need to "make it mine". A good deal for them, but Mercy Me, I don't need more..........I am so excited with the beauty and energy Carolyn brings and can't wait for the Open House in July for all of you to meet her we say....."She's Got the Touch". Welcome, Carolyn.....I look forward to a long and wonderful relationship.....

xoxo, jana

May 29, 2009

She Sells Sea Shells Down by the Seashore......

Well, not actually by the Seashore....just a little local antique shop in Arlington. These beautiful shells had been displayed in a large bowl for months and I just enjoyed seeing them everyday. Over the weeks I noticed the pile getting smaller and smaller.....imagine someone just "taking" something. Now, don't they call that "stealing".....Yeppers, I think they do. Anyway, on a more positive note......I simply decided to create a coastal inspired shell mirror with the remainder. I still get to look at them daily, and if anyone wants more, Well, they're just going to have to pony up with some CASH........and they get to take them ALL.........:)

May 27, 2009

So FLIRTY & Romantic.......

I fell in love with the design of this wonderful antique millinery flower handbag when I first saw Julia Roberts pictured in a magazine carrying a similiar one. However, I didn't fall in love with the $3,000 price tag. Realizing there are really no new ideas out there, just our intrepretations of what we see, I just had to put my own spin on this gorgeous idea. I have collected old millinery flowers for years and have put them together on some unique straw purses for a whimsical presentation of a very utilitarian item we all deal with.
Very FLIRTY and Romantic....all priced at just $125.00 each in my shop. All sold under the Collected Treasures "Heart & Soul" designer trademark.
xoxo, jana

May 25, 2009


This antique armoire has been in just about every room in my house over the last twenty years....until it finally was pushed into the garage. It was very sad because I remember falling love at one of my very first auctions and having to have this piece. We converted it with glass shelves inside and on the side panels and used it as a display cabinet for collections. It eventually made it's way to the store and into the workroom.....sitting there for probably two months. I found it very uninspiring and it just wouldn't "talk" to me.....the love affair was definitely over. Somehow it started to whisper little things to me and it became a shabby white.....sitting like that for another four weeks. It then started to speak a little louder and I lined it with antique sheet music and used chicken wire on the sides for some textural interest. It was then the armoire really started to sing....... somehow the baby items and old dolls found their way onto the shelves for a really neat shadow box effect......I'm glad I didn't push it to the curb any of those times I thought it had no hope.........I'm in love again.

May 24, 2009

What a difference a week makes. The cooler than normal nights here in North Texas caused my blooming perennials to bloom a littler later than usual. Our neighborhood tour of backyards is in one week and I was afraid all I would have to show would be green foliage. With the recent rains and warmer nights this past week, the yard came alive.....there are still several that are holding back but the majority are starting to show......after the afternoon rain shower the yard simply begged to be photographed......

May 23, 2009

Moving Right Along.....

As I further prepare the store for Lisa of "Tattered & Tarnished" and Carolyn of "Then & Again" to finish their booths inside the store, I am forced to move alot more of my inventory around to make sure they have adequate space. I am so pleased with the work and effort going into making their spaces so wonderfully unique and absolutely gorgeous. An official open house will be held once everything is in place......I am so honored to have them be a part of my store and mini-mall. There are two spaces left for rent within the store.......come check me just might be surprised!

May 21, 2009

Mary, Mary~Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ok, my name isn't Mary, and nobody has actually ASKED about my garden. Still, I am excited about it's progress and since I shared the beginning of the project I wanted to bring you up to date. I know I am all over the map and it is hard to keep up with me "pinging" everywhere, but that's my life..........After the dirt came and was leveled, I waited three weeks for the electric company to come and remove branches from the electrical wires so we could remove a dead tree. I didn't want them tromping all over my new little seeds, and I knew they would.....after all....I felt sure it would be men. Don't get me wrong....I love's just that the majority of them "don't get it". When I realized the electric company didn't feel responsible for the tree trimming because it went from building to pole, I went ahead and planted all but that corner feeling I had already waited far too long to get it started. Well, little leaves were peeking through and a major rain came. Because the dirt was not completely packed, we had a mini mudslide into the retaining wall taking the end of the garden with it. Not to worry, we quickly took care of the problem and I replanted the little seeds. Of course, I could have gone the trendy route and purchased 6" plants for the garden, however, when you are planting eight different vegetables and wanting at least eight different stands of each....well at $5.00 each, you do the math. I chose to go the $.99 cent Burpee seed route and knew my Grandmother would be very proud....I like instant gratification as much as the next, but even I have my limits. The dirt is starting to look like a little garden....even if the rows are a slightly crooked. At the recent Trade Days Sale, a man mentioned to Charlene of that my rows weren't straight. I was very proud to be defended by her when she advised him that "Jana never stays inside the lines". I hope that along the way you also feel free enough to venture outside the's a whole new world there!