November 24, 2010

Way Behind the Mark on This One & Happy Thanksgiving

I know everyone has been creating crowns for over a year now and
That I'm way behind the mark in even thinking about putting one together.
But when I saw this piece, something just clicked and
I knew I had to take a stab at making one of my own.
Do you know what this is?
It's a sterno holder for a pot of some sort....... But all I saw was this when I picked it up.
So it is on it's way to becoming my first crown attempt.
Still want to add some definite bling,
And a few other things,
But it's a good start, I think.

Will probably be my one and only.....
You don't run across old sterno burners everyday around here.

Hope you will take a minute to make sure you have entered my
Fantabulous Giveaway Here.
It ends November 27th, and I would love to have you.

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with wonderful food, friends & family.....

I know mine will be.

Thanks for stopping by,
I always love it when you come!

November 23, 2010

Over the Top Chandeliers and Last Week to Enter my FaNTaBuLoUS Giveaway.......

It has been so busy that the days slip by without a new blog post.......
I get caught up in the season, the creations, and the excitement of a new year around the corner.
This is also the time of year I start working on my Marketing Strategy for the upcoming year....
And this is where I have to laugh out loud because what kind of plan can a little independent Shoppe with one employee and no money actually have?
It does, however, work. This year has proven that to be true.
One of the things in the works in an exciting event for next year held on a quarterly basis.
I'm not able to share any more of it than that with you, only to tell you that it
Doesn't allow me to post pictures of some of my newest creations or merchandise
Because it will all be premiered in this wonderful new event.
Still, I think I can come up with enough things around the Shoppe that haven't been
Shared to keep it interesting....or at least, I hope so.
This coffee cup chandelier is massive and needs a big room for proper display.
The center piece is actually a large red transfer vase that fit the scale perfectly.
The coffee cups and saucers are a dense pottery and were left by my front door by some generous soul that "gets me".
The shades were found at a much later date and matched perfectly.......
I love seeing this hanging in the Shoppe makes me smile! Now, this one is a party light for sure.....
I call it my Mardi Gras Chandelier.
A plain and simply chandelier, painted white, with beaded crystals from each bobeche.
The "jewels" are strands and strands of vintage jewelry, still in their original form.
I just hate to destroy something old to make something else from it and try to keep
It in it's original form if I can just "pluck" a necklace from the piece if you
Want to wear, fun, fun!
The tea ball tassels have been a favorite of mine since I came across one 15 years ago...
Don't find them very often, but love them when I do.

I especially like to take vintage chandeliers and "marry" them with old pole lamps.
Takes a little skill to fit them together securely and rewiring knowledge is a plus......
I love floor chandies.

And even if you can't rewire, or refurbish lamps or chandeliers, it doesn't mean
You can't have a great fixture in your home.
I get at least one or two inquiries to purchase this chandelier each week.
I have to direct them to Home Depot and tell them this is one of my permanent fixtures.
Just add a little floral swag, some sweet vintage lampshades, and call it a day.
Couldn't be any easier than that.

Don't forget this is the very last week to enter my
Someone is going to win an Altered Couture sweater made just for them.....
And it might as well be YOU,
But you have to enter to win!
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come!

November 18, 2010

Ready or Not.....Here it Comes! (&Last Week to Enter)

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next Week.
It is even more difficult to believe that Christmas is just a little over 5 weeks away.
Goodness, where does life go?
I don't do my windows at the Shoppe for Christmas before Thanksgiving,
But I have already started's always so much fun! We are winding down to the last week of my Fantabulous Giveaway.
If you haven't entered yet, find out about it
It's a great opportunity to win your own Christmas present.....
And tell a's worth sharing!
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

November 10, 2010

Self Discovery is a Wonderful Thing!

Last post I shared the fact that I realized I was indeed a "glass person"
After rearranging the Shoppe and discovering tons and tons in various areas.
This week it has been a new realization, and that is........
I have alot of vintage and antique baby "stuff".
I decided to group it all together as it should be for display and have
One whole corner completely full.
There is a vintage portacrib and sweet little wooden table and chairs...

And antique highchairs, rockers, and cribs stacked to the ceiling.
Right next to the hand painted mural of me when I was a little girl.......
What better place for her to be.....

The display case is full of bronzed shoes, leather high tops, and baby booties.
Along with vintage gloves and antique silver spoons and horsehair combs and brushes.

You just
have to get up close and personal with this precious vintage corduroy coat....
With a faux fur muff, of course!

An armoire full of antique and vintage baby dresses.....absolutely adorable.

Doesn't it all just melt your heart!

Self discovery is a wonderful thing,
And getting to play with it everyday is so much fun.
Also, don't forget about my Fantabulous Giveaway where someone is
Going to win a one of a kind Altered Couture sweater from my
Heart & Soul line of clothing.
Haven't heard about it?
Well, enter
Thank you for stopping by today....
I love it when you come :)

November 4, 2010

Puffin' and Fluffin' & Giveaway

Normally I host the Main Street Antique Trade Days Sale in
October, then have a month and a half to get ready for the
Christmas Open House.
But......we were rained out of half of the day and I still have ALOT of stuff.
That's when I decided to host my first Annual Sidewalk Sale.
And the Shoppe will also be open that day for additional savings inside....
A first for me....I either do it one way or the other,
But never at the same time.
So, I have been fluffing up the Shoppe, and puffing as well .
I have a minimal amount of time to get this done as the sale is this Saturday.
I'm sorting through inventory to put outside,
And pricing new things inside.
I don't normally put any Christmas out until after Thanksgiving.
I have succumb to pressure, so out it comes.....

Along with the addition of wonderful old trunks..... And the realization that I'm almost out of my hand poured candles.....,
They will just have to wait until I have more time to pour....

Then the one thing that has completely amazed me about myself.
I have always proclaimed not to be a "glass person".
I think it is pretty,
But can live without it.
However, when I began rearranging areas I kept finding all this glass.

I put it all in one designated area....creating vignettes as I went along....

Finding more and more along the way....

And realized that I just might be a "glass person" after all..............

If you are local, be sure and stop by the Sidewalk Sale and the Shoppe Sale as well....
Everything but Heart & Soul items are included, just no layaway during this sale.

If you aren't in the area.....just tell me what you want.....I can ship it right to you ;)

For those just stopping by and haven't heard, my Fantabulous Giveaway runs through
Novembr 27th for one of my Altered Couture sweaters made just for you!.
Read more about it HERE and come join the group.......
Someone has to win, and it might as well be YOU!

I always love it when you come!

November 2, 2010

White Wednesday Punched Paper Samplers & Fantabulous Giveaway

I had so many wonderful whites to share this week,
But Blogger had another idea regarding what pictures NOT to add.
So, I will go with what I was able to load and torture myself no more.
I have been in love with antique punched paper motto samplers since
I saw my very first one twenty years ago.
I am also in love with this particular sentiment "Forget Me Not"
As I think it reminds those you love that you were once here.
I feel these are so special.

And I was also able to upload a picture of one of my Heart & Soul Altered Couture sweaters
I am giving away on December 1st.
All of the details can be found HERE, so come over and
Join the fun....someone is gonna win, and it might as well be YOU!.

If you want to see more beautiful "Whites",
visit Kathleen at Faded Charm to see the other's participating this week.
There is always so much beauty shared and all the wonderful color of white.
Thank you for stopping by today for my white loves,
I always love it when you come!