January 28, 2012

I'm a Little Bit in Love Now.....

I so wish I had taken a "before" picture of this chair,
mainly so you could be as impressed as I am with the end results :)

Picture this.......
an ugly reddish brown wood....
bright royal blue 1970's  fabric.....

and the problem was...it was a consignment piece....
in my Shoppe.....lookin' bad.

I finally told the man that if he wanted me to ever sell his aunt's  chair
he would have to give me creative license.
I knew I didn't want to pay to have it recovered....
wasn't  MY chair but I knew I could make a difference.

I primed and painted the wood, then applied two heavy coats of gesso to the fabric
allowing it to dry completely in between coats.
The good thing about gesso is that it still allows the fabric to move
so you can still sit in the chair as if it were fabric.

I distressed the wood....

Added the French graphics by transferring the pattern onto the gesso....
Painted it out.....and here you go.....

And I have to tell you now....
I'm a little bit in love :)

Thanks for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come.

I'm linking to Kathleen's White Wednesday...

January 26, 2012

Nettie Jane Ruffle Bags

I have made this style bag for some time now,
But have just started making the smaller version for
Younger girls.
This came from my sweet 2 1/2 year old Tatsey
Wanting a "GhiGhi Bag"

I have always made my own labels....
Can you see me on the far right?

But now I have a "Nettie Jane be'be" label as well.
The label is almost as big as the bag :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I am linking to Potpourri Friday at Honey 2805......
Lots of fun stuff.

aka "GhiGhi" :)

January 25, 2012

Making the Best of a "Good Deal"

Although I'm not a big fan of the 1940's waterfall front furniture,
I do have a tendency to be unable to pass on a really good deal.

Sometimes though, there are reasons why something is "such a good deal".
I found this piece....
The outside veneer was good....
Pulled out a drawer and all was tight....

However....mental note...
Pull out ALL the drawers to check them, even if you are in a hurry.

After beating myself up for a couple of days,
I knew I had to do something to make this work.

We removed all the drawers....
Absolute trash, and I don't say that about much.

Added "bottoms" to the drawer spaces,
Along with some decorative trim to make it look more original.

Painted it out.
Added the baskets,
And felt a whole lot better about my "good deal".

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come :)

January 20, 2012

my love affair with lace pincushions *sigh*

Over the years I have come across various beautiful antique lace.
pincushions and, if the price was right (and sometimes when it wasn't)...

I always brought them home with me.

Something about their intricate, delicate beauty.
simply speaks to me and touches my heart.

The fact that something so utilitarian would be.
made into something so gorgeous.
proves to me we are not the only ones with vision, talent, and creativity.

Except they had so many fewer materials and products.
to work with.....they were truly artists.

All are absolutely beautiful.

Thank you for stopping by today,
you know I love it when you come.

Also, please know, that if you choose to follow me....
I always follow back :)

I'm joining How Sweet the Sound's Pink Saturday where
we share the preciousness of pink.

January 18, 2012

Antique Cabinet Transformation

What a great end result.
The top piece was purchased last October at my
Trade Days Antique Flea Market.
I didn't know what direction it would go,
but I knew it had great style, and
that I shouldn't let it get away from me.
It has wonderful old bead board
  and great drawers and doors.

Below is it's original state.....
Nice, but in need of a fresh coat of WHITE paint....
I love the grandness of it now....
It stands about 9 foot tall with the bottom cabinet.
It's awesome.

Thanks for stopping by today,
you know I love it when you come.

I'm linking to Furniture Feature Friday,

January 14, 2012

sad little footstool ------happy little footstool

This antique footstool was covered in five layers of rotten fabric....
poor thing.

But it was just so dang cute.....

 And I knew it needed a new life....

And that's what it got.....
Still all the character of the old wood and definitely still showing it's age....
But with new purpose....

Recycle, repurpose, reuse.....it makes for a better world:)

Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.

January 13, 2012

The Preciousness of Pink

 What is it about the color pink that emits preciousness?
Is it because it's like a big hug, or
Because it is the color that represents little girls? 
 Maybe that is why I am saddened about the fact that
I am removing the majority of pink from my Shoppe.

 It's simply a business decision as I have to stay with the trends
and what sells, and
preciousness isn't selling.

 It doesn't mean I don't still love it *sigh*....
cause I do.

Thanks for stopping by today...
You know I love it when you come.

I'm linking to Beverly's Pink Saturday where PINK is always in.

January 11, 2012

 Imagine my delight today when I was told I had been accepted
as a dealer at the March Dolly Johnson Antique and Art
Showcase Sale in Fort Worth.

It is a coveted sale to participate in and I will be
taking only antique and vintage garden items.

I am committed to doing several "off campus" sales this year and
couldn't be more excited to start with this one.

 Lots of hard work, but it should be a ball!!

Stay tuned for more info to come.......

January 10, 2012

In A Perfect World.....

It all gets done quickly and easily.....

But I don't live in a perfect world......however....
That hasn't stopped me from  starting the year with a whole new look though.
I've added more all white vignettes for impact and eye appeal.
Nothing in the Shoppe has gone untouched....
Many things just not "making the cut" and being removed altogether.
Other areas becoming cozy English reading nooks,
Focusing on comfort and beauty.

All of my laces finding a storage place where they are
Also visible and beautiful....like an old dry goods store.

It's been a busy two weeks, but I'm getting there.
So much more to come, but it all takes time.....

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I'm linking to Kathleen's White Wednesday this week.