March 31, 2012

The "Other" Side of Canton~Setting Up as a Dealer

This year I promised myself
I would break out of my comfort zone and
Do different things.

I have done a couple of upscale shows,
But never Canton...
I do, however, have a customer
that handles estate sales and also does Canton
She let me "ride her coattails"
this past week and showed me all about Canton.

I didn't want to destroy the Shoppe,
nor did I want to take things that would be ruined
by rain, as there was a chance that could happen,
and did.

I took only what the van and I could handle,
So I concentrated on smalls.


As well as "stuff" that really needed to go.
There were a couple of Eastlake chairs thrown in for good measure.

We were on the back lot in what I call the dirt area.
It is truly for the hardcore dealers.....
They arrive at the break of dawn on Wednesday...
sleep in their cars the entire time....
shower in the civic center.....
and are the nicest bunch of people I have ever met.

I was right there with them.
I am nothing if not adventurous,
daring, and a bit gypsy.

We actually started selling the minute we got to our spaces.
People were already allowed in and were buying out of the
back of our trucks.

The nights were pleasant.
You had electricity you could hook up to
so I even watched TV, and
I had my down comforter and feather pillow.

My inventory and I lasted until Friday at close.
I had so very little left that it would have been embarrassing to
put it out for Saturday's crowd.
So I came home to my clean, soft bed,
 hot bubble bath, six dogs, four cats, and my
sweet man..
The gypsy in me had faded and reality was setting in.

When I do shows or sales,
I'm funny, in that I don't normally shop.
I am in a different mind set and work on running my space.

I did, however, find this piece.
Have no idea what it is, but is very heavy...
Maybe part of an old belt?

I can, however, tell you what it is going to be,
and that is the beginnings of a necklace...
or about 18 of them as each piece will be the focal point.
I have a vision :)

The lady down from me had this wonderful
antique celluloid box at a great price....
I had to have it.

And, of course, you know any lace nearby
would come home with me....
It's the law :)

In evaluating a sale, I make a decision
right away if I would ever do the event again.

Making money is a good thing and the whole point,
but even if I do good selling,
and  I don't have's a deal killer.
I would definitely do Canton again....
and am planning on it.

I recommend it to anyone,
I just have to warn you.....

It's definitely NOT for sissies:)

Thanks for stopping by today,
you know I love it when you come.


March 26, 2012

Burlap Webbing Roses w/Lace

Some projects just come together.
My odd and unplanned projects are usually because
I just can't bare to throw something out.

And these are a prime example.
Old webbing from an antique chair,
Folded into large size roses.

Surrounded with antique crochet lace....

Tucked inside a beautiful paper cone.


Serving no purpose other than being beautiful......

Thanks  for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

March 24, 2012

Lace and New Designs.....

People ask me all the time what you wear with the
lace crochet dusters, jackets, and vests I create.

I thought I would share some of the pieces I wear and
also make and sell within the Shoppe.

An extra large oversized t-shirt is altered with vintage
lace from an old wedding dress.


The ankle length bloomers are made of organic bamboo cotton
and are the softest things you will wear other than PJs.

Matching lace is around the bottom, but it doesn't have to match.
This just happened that way.

 You top it off with a lace duster
Giving your outfits layers and layers of beautiful vintage lace.

Because of the length of the duster, it hangs well below your
hips not adding any additional size to your body....
we all hate that, don't we?
I know I do :)

I also added vintage lace on the sleeves.....
Some customers don't like this much detail,
But because this one is MINE.....
I took it to the level I love
Where more is not enough.

The duster sold today,
But the undergarments are mine.....

I was also able to put together another necklace today.
I forgot I had some of the medallions made that simply needed the detailing.
I'm not certain what the blue is on the left of the picture, but it's not on the necklace...
I never said I was a great photographer though :)

Because my email is STILL whacked, meaning I  can receive but not send,
I will answer your
questions here about these garments.

1)  Yes,  I sell them in my Shoppe and on line.
2)  Yes, they can be special ordered by length and size.
3)  Yes, I have a small inventory available in the Shoppe.
4)  Yes, I make each one myself.
5)  Yes, I only use vintage linens.

Some can be found under the Nettie Jane tab above....
Others  haven't been photographed yet.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

March 23, 2012

Celebrating Spring and a Bit of News

If I had my deepest wish,
it would be to be able to sit at my sewing machine all day,
working with my mannequin and lace
creating the romantic clothing I adore.
Items that are perfect for celebrating Spring.

Sometimes days are like that, sometimes they aren't.

Because I have been invited to participate in the
Dallas Trade Market's Vintage Finds
this June, I am having to find  make time
to do what I love....poor me, right :)
I hope to have a large inventory of these garments
to present at Market along with
my other items.

I don't know how many pieces of jewelry
I might be able to complete,
as they take so long to put together,
so I just might have to forgo these for the time being.

I am very pleased to have been invited....
It's a "break" I've been waiting praying for.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.
For anyone having left a comment within the last week or so,
I sincerely apologize.
My email is severely messed up and I am unable to respond,
But I appreciate all of your kinds words and comments :)
I'm joining Pink Saturday in the celebration of Spring.

March 22, 2012

Born in the USA

I've seen it over and over again....
the Union Jack flag on furniture and pillows,
and it looks wonderful,
however, I go a different direction.

Anyone that knows me realizes how pro America I am....
nothing from China, all local produce, and repurposed
to the point of driving my family crazy sometimes.

I did this particular style of furniture 12 years ago
when I was in an antique mall.
It did quite well, then 911 came along,
and I lost interest in making money on people's emotions,
as everyone was buying anything with a flag.

I had to bring it back, even if just for this one time.
The little antique chest is over 100 years old and
a product of the USA.

After being painted white, it was taped and painted,
then glazed to give it back some age.

I really like how the paint on top took the glaze
differently in places making it more interesting.

It looks good all dressed up in more
Americana and primitives.

Who says I'm all about laces and whites....
it's just not so :)

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I'm joining this week with


March 21, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

I have people all the time that come into the Shoppe
that are wanting to barter. 
You know, trade items for the things they want
instead of actually buying them.

Not that it's a bad idea or concept, however,
I have found my mortgage company just doesn't
appreciate it when I offer them a chest of drawers
instead of money :)

This time I made an exception.
There were bags and bags of vintage French laces....
well over 150 yards.
Some are insert type, some simply for edging, but
all beautiful.
I made the deal.

It's not until the lady left that I took each piece from
their individual bags.....
only to find they smelled reeked of cigarette smoke.
I was crushed.
 The smell was so intense that even airing
the lace out would not do the trick.....

It would have to be hand washed to remove the odor.
And this is what I ended up with......
A mound of tangled lace, even though I tried so hard to be
extremely careful in the process.

It has taken over a week in my "down" time
(is there really such a thing in this busy world anymore?)
 to rewind each piece onto cardboard,
untangling as I went along.

But it is absolutely gorgeous,
and I am still happy about the exchange.

 The tatted lace below is absolutely gorgeous as well.
The auction is just about to end on Ebay and
I will be sad to see it go.

Good stuff, for sure.

I've had my "smeller" checked and this shouldn't happen to me again....
or until some incredible lace comes along that dulls my senses.

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I am linking to White Wednesday this week....

March 16, 2012

Mosaic Footboard Atop a Faux Fireplace

Wouldn't you have loved to have seen the whole bed
if the footboard is this grand?
Unfortunately, the only piece I found was the footboard
and it was missing it's center piece as well.
Still, I fell in love with it and drug it weighs a ton.
I cut the center medallion out of 1/4" plywood after tracing a pattern I thought would work.

After a few adjustments, it was ready to mosaic with antique broken china.
I attached the finished piece with mending plates on the back of the bed itself.

My vision for the piece, after attaching a wooden shelf to the bottom
mattress bracket, is a mantle of sorts.
Can't you just see this over a plain brick fireplace with
two white columns down from the shelf to the hearth....
It would give it definite presence.
Even above a bed as a shelf,
Whatever you wanted.

I chose to pair it with a faux fireplace that my husband and I
converted from an old chest of drawers.
We simply removed the drawers, built a "firebox" for the faux logs
and I painted it out adding roses and gold leaf.
I keep a flickering electric light behind the logs which simulates fire.
It all displays beautifully together.

It took several tries before I was able to actually retrofit the center piece,
but I eventually got it.

The roses and pink and white stripes add fun to the piece
which matches the whimsey of the mosaic topper.

On a completely unrelated topic,
I just had to share my view from the back door of my Shoppe.
I have waited four years for the wisteria to finally cover the gazebo
and it was so worth it.
Absolute decadence.

Thank you for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.

I am also joining Beverly's Pink Saturday
and also the final day of
scouting for talent for an upcoming issue of
Cottages and Bungalows.

Check it might want to enter!