September 24, 2012

Canton First Monday & Main Street Antique Trade Days

 A quiet, unassuming 1/2 acre.....
until Saturday, October 6th.
when the fourteenth semi-annual
Collected Treasures'
Main Street Antique Trade Days Flea Market
sets up and fills the lot for the day.
The lot comes alive with over 15 dealers...
All selling antiques and collectibles
as well as handmade and remade items.
The sale starts at 9:00 am and closes at 5:00 pm.
Mark your calendars, and we'll see you then!

Remember, the Shoppe is closed Monday, September 24th through Monday, October 1st
for Canton First Monday Trade Days....
.I'm located on Boardwalk II right next to the Arbors....
come see me!

September 21, 2012

Jean Bags & Jackets...Nettie Jane Style.

I've made a commitment to myself regarding Canton....
I HAVE to finish all the projects I have started
before I can go on any big shopping spree while I'm there.
And there are a lot of them :(
How does that happen?
Do I loose interest...
Is there an engineering problem that needs to be resolved...
Or do I just forget.....probably because I'm just too busy.
The Shoppe is booming....thank you baby Jesus...
and I'm digging in boxes and bins while customers
wander through the store....
I thank them for their
patience with my scattered brain :)
Finally finished a couple of these jean bags....
started them three years ago and lost interest.
But they are ready now.

Also did all the fine tuning on the jean jackets I embellish.
All going to Canton next week.
All with the Nettie Jane label, of course.

Which reminds me....
The Shoppe will be closed all next week
while I get ready and go to Canton....
Traveling out and about?
Come see me.....
Boardwalk II.
I'm the one that's crazy :)
But I've got good stuff!

September 18, 2012

Burlap Tow Sack Punkins, Chubbies, and Main Street Antique Flea Market...,

It's hard to believe that Canton is next week again....
I have a feeling these are going to get closer and closer together,
the busier and busier I get :)
I have worked all weekend long on big 12" punkins
made from all the old sacks found in my lil'mama's barn. 

Some are going to Canton,
some are staying here at the Shoppe,
and they can also be purchased in my Etsy Store....

Also, recently added to Nettie Jane Designs
is this cute little chubby.
Crocheted my Moi, of course, in a one size fits most.
Special order for different colors are available as well.

Back to least favorite thing to do!
Also, for my locals.....
don't forget the Main Street Antique
Trade Days Flea Market
is coming up soon.....
October 6th, 9-5...
Thanks for stopping by today.....
You know I love it when you come!

September 14, 2012

Lamps, Window Screen, and Doll Heads......

Just when you think you have me figured out....
with white paint,
altered art,
all things girlie.
I have to show my "other side".
Honestly, these pictures don't do these justice.
Imagine bright glowing orange light coming from their eyes and mouth
and you would have the full effect.

Just old ironstone lamps that were kinda funky in themselves,
never being able to hold a hurricane shade, much less any
other type of bulb cover.
The old doll heads fit over a low voltage bulb perfectly.
Top them off with an old window screen turned witches hat,
and you got it.
I'm thinking I will fancy up he hats a little with some bling and such,
but for now, here they sit.

Sure to give my baby girl, Tatsey, a good squeal!!
Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.
Have a great weekend.
Our weather is in the 70's, so I'm in heaven :)
Hope you are too!


September 7, 2012

it was just so obvious, it had to be.....

The one thing I did learn last month in Canton
is that people really gravitate to my handmade and remade items.
I am happy to be appreciated for my odd sense of repurpose.
These things, however, were just so obvious,
They had to become what they wanted to be.
While altering a steamer trunk,
This funky piece fell out.
I figured it was either a hat stand which attached inside the trunk,
or maybe a pincushion.
It was repurposed by simply attaching it to a mirror
stand that had lost it's mirror last year.
I throw nothing out :)
I'm calling it a pincushion now.
This piece came from the same steamer trunk
and was an ironing board.
It had become detached and was repurposed
into a laundry sign.
The obvious wall attachment was an old wooden hanger.

The trunk itself was altered....
Perfect for a little girl's dress up chest.


But the camel backs are my favorite to do.
The weatherman is promising beautiful 80 degree weather
this weekend.....after our 105 degree temperatures,
they are calling it a cold front...
Works for me :)

September 3, 2012

Decisions in Your Life.........

Have you ever made decisions in your life
that you had to second guess yourself if they were the right one....
me too.
But not this time.
Canton was good to me :)
I tried to stock and restock as needed,
But this is what it left me with.
Sure, it was's Texas.
Sure, it was difficult driving back and forth each day rather
than staying local.
But it sure was fun!

I was so pleased and honored to see those
of you who came to Canton just to see me.
Is that special, or what!!
Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come.