August 31, 2009

"Where Do You Get All Your STUFF?"

At the Stuff Store, of course!

If you own a store or run your own antique business, then you will understand what I am about to share.....if you don't , then I promise you have asked this question...........and that being ....."Where do you get all of your stuff?" . It is because I know the question is in total innocence that I always politely reply with a very nonspecific answer and change the subject......Like I'm going to tell my customer where to go to get the stuff I buy and eliminate the need for ME . I had another store owner once tell me to answer the question with the reply "at the stuff store". I tried that, and you won't believe how many people didn't "get it" and actually ask me where the "stuff store" was.......guess I just couldn't pull that one off, huh?

This is one of the places I go locally when I have just an extra hour or so, as it is close and usually always provides my "fix", if only for a while. The store has a good mix of vintage in with newer things, but well worth the drive. It is very unpretentious, extremely well priced, and well organized in spite of the over abundance of small inventory. I have never left this store empty handed or disappointed in what I find. I sometimes have to look very hard through all of the new imported China items to find the good stuff, but it is there. Sometimes in need of some TLC and reinventing, but that is what makes it so much fun, especially for a dealer like me who finds the challenge in taking a cast off and making someone want it again......Yep, I shop at the Stuff Store!

August 30, 2009

For the Love of Tole ...........

I have had a love affair with rose tole trays since I came across my very first one in the early 80's. I have acquired them for as little as $2.00 or for as much as $100.00, but I love them all. I have some of my very favorites in my dining area, while the others are positioned around the house on tables and counters. I never tire of their individual beauty, yet similiar presentation in the completion of the flowers. I have learned to duplicate the trays with my own painting, but because they have no age, I feel they have no soul so they don't satisfy my need to own more.......I do love these old trays.

August 26, 2009

~~~~Forget Me Not~~~~~

My very favorite sentiment of all time is "Forget Me Not". It is just so romantic and endearing that I buy anything I find with this wonderful Victorian phrase. This week has been a hectic one with my new Miss Sterling and the new Mama's needs, so I haven't been able to really focus on what I need to do. That is when I steal what few minutes I have to play and regain my direction, or at least, try to.......I should be cleaning the art table for tomorrow night's group session, but I'm not. It will get done, but in the last few minutes I have before the girls show up as that is generally my MO...and because it works, I do it to myself each and every time. I came across this small vintage convex glass frame years ago and knew once I removed all the dead butterflies and flowers it would be good for something. I mean, what were they thinking killing bugs and framing them for ART????? Anyway, once I used some of Lisa's (of Tarnished and Tattered) beautiful vintage papers, added a gorgeous velvet and silk millinery flower....and of course, my favorite phrase "Forget Me Not" was complete....a beautiful, heartfelt presentation. I also came across an old scrapbook and did the same thing with papers, keys, trims, and my favorite phrase once again. Didn't get very far on clearing the table, but it will happen.....just not today :) Because today I am leaving the shop on time to love my new baby she will forever........"Forget Me Not".

Just a very large old scrapbook with a really UgLY cover turned into a sweet altered art memory book....not acid free because it contains all of it's original old papers, but those could easily be replaced if desired......not completely finished, but a good start until all the glue dries overnight.

August 25, 2009

My Art Group Personalized Stool~"So Janaesque"

Thursday, August 27th, is our first Art Group Get Together.....I call it that because we don't actually have a name yet. We hope to come up with something so very clever that people will be impressed with our talents just because of our name :)- We all decided to bring our own stools....and I was very grateful and thankful because I have ONE....and of course, that is mine. We also decided we could either adorn them in own style before meeting or during the first session........At first I wasn't even going to do one....I had a stool, it fit my butt, and why did I need to personalize it??? After a wild hair (and I have been having ALOT of wild hairs lately), the gesso went on, the paints came out, and it was done. I know I could have slipped it in wonderful laces and it would have looked like me.....I could have decoupaged it with an altered art, mixed media design and it would definitely looked like me......but anyone that knows me very well, knows that when push comes to shove, painting relaxes me the very most. So, I present my stool. It has been painted, and painted some more, and then roughed up a little for a real shabby effect and it is ready......I know that there will be no guessing who this belongs's just so "janaesque".

Since I shared a before picture with you of the long sweater, I thought I would also show you the end result before everyone, including myself, forgot what it looked like. .....well, almost the end result as there is one more sleeve to complete....Still, I am pleased with the outcome and hope to have many more of this style, along with the shorter ones, in the shop before the holidays. I have the's just finding the time........and we all struggle with that one. Have a beautiful day and thank you for stopping by!

August 24, 2009

Shhhhhh.....she's sleeping, but take a peek

I am not really one for posting on my family......or alot of pictures anyway. If I share, it is only because something is so emotional for me that it is all I can think about........BUT what kind of a Gammy would I be if I didn't want to share my new love with the world. We have waited what feels like so very long for this little one. I think because we have always been just a family of three, being my sweet man, my daughter, and me, this is all so very wonderful. She was married a little over a year ago and brought her precious husband onboard and we became four. They started their family right away as she felt her clock ticking :) and now we are a little family of five.........because my daughter and her husband live just one house down from us, I will be a big part of this little one's life from the very beginning.......she is just so very, very precious and cuter than puppy......and as much as I love puppies....much better, I must say.

August 23, 2009

She's HERE! 7.2lbs~2:16am~So Very Sweet!

Miss Sterling Haleigh Johnston has arrived, and nine days early.....both Mother and Baby are doing just fine.......I am so in love.

August 22, 2009

Sitting in a Bed of Roses.......painted vinyl chairs

My store, Collected Treasures, hosts the Trade Days Antique Flea Market twice a year and it is always alot of fun.....alot of work, but alot of fun as well. It never, ever fails that one of the dealers leaves me with a "present"......only because it didn't sell and they don't want to fool with it any longer. BOTH of these chairs came to me at different as a "surprise" at my back door after all the dealers were gone, and the other presented as the dealer was leaving the lot. This was one of those times when I simply smiled and said "thank you", all the time thinking it was just something else for me to own the rest of my life....I mean these things were UgLY. Imagine dark, worn wood and old vinyl upholstery in a color you have never seen before. Their only saving grace was the fact they were in sturdy condition and the upholstery wasn't torn or coming apart.....OK, they can stay....I'll find an upholsterer who will give me a good deal....I have alot of great fabrics....I think I can make this work. A year later I still hadn't "made it work" and was quite tired of moving these chairs around to get to what I needed in the storage area.
Out came the Kilz, gesso, and sandpaper. I added some oil painted roses and they were done.......The vinyl is still soft and supple and they can actually be used and last a life time......the next Trade Days is in October.....I hope they leave me some more of their junk!

August 21, 2009

Don't Be A'Scared...It's Still ME.......

Guess you can tell by now that I got a "wild hair" yesterday and just needed a "richer" look for the fall and holiday season. Quite a contrast, but one that my "Art Class Blog" ( has had from the beginning. It was just something that was going to take a little time to switch over so I kept postponing the project. It is a good start to what I want now that I know more about this "blogging stuff", Don't be a''s still me :) If you live in the area, take a look at the classes and come join us. You can now sign up online and pay your deposit as well.....we would LOVE to have you....come know you want to!
xo jana

Happy Friday....#3 Sweater Completed..on to #4

The third sweater is complete and the fourth has been is going to be a longer one which I haven't done I'm anxious to see the end result. Rather than use vintage place mats for this one, I am using the altered couture method starting with an older would think they would be easier to make, but are quite difficult sometimes......It's raining here in Texas today and with the cold AC running and the overcast skies you can pretend it is fall outside........happy Friday everyone....thank you for stopping by.

August 20, 2009

My Sewing Machine Keeps Humming~Lace Jackets #2 & #3

When I find myself on a "creative roll" I think it's better just to go with it........Once the first jacket (see previous post) went together so easily (knock on wood) I decided to keep up the pace and see how many I could complete before the momentum failed me.....or before I started having trouble with my sewing machine. This is "Jacket #2" and a good start on "Jacket #3" which should be completed today. It's fun digging through my laces as I adore their beauty and puts me in my happy place for sure. With my grandbaby due any day now I definitely need something to keep my mind and hands busy.....these are the days you start to worry and get it's back to the sewing machine. Have a beautiful day, and thank you for stopping by!

xo jana

And "Jacket #3".....on it's way to being completed once I finish the basic garment :

August 19, 2009

Bob, Jr. On My Mind.......

One of my dealers was in the shop yesterday and commented on the fact she had seen one of these old wooden telephone shelves at a local sandwich shop with a cat painted inside. They are such wonderful shelves and look great hung as shadowbox frames, but not quite as popular as they once were. After Carrol left I started looking at the piece and thought.....hmmmmmmmmm, why not? I knew I wanted a sitting cat with a folk art look so I started googling free clip art for a "go by". I sketched him on the back of the shelf and painted away. Don't ask me how, but he ended up looking like Bob Jr , and if you look at my side bar to the left at my many animals and you will see what I mean. I never said I was a great artist, but I do like to have fun with it......and he makes me smile! I've got Bob, Jr. on my mind!

August 18, 2009

Fancy Smancy Clothes Hangers

Customers and friends are always bringing things to me that they don't want, but just don't want to give to charity or throw away. Sometimes I luck out, and other times I simply smile and say "thank you"........this great wedding gown slip came to me and, although it was still quite good, was not old enough for me to really want to sell in my shop. I started cutting the different layers into same size strips, leaving the seams in place on one side for added interest and started working them one at a time onto a plain white wire coat hanger..........add vintage ribbons and millinery flowers and you have a really unique and beautiful hanger for displaying vintage clothing and such. It goes without saying that you couldn't fit very many of these in an actual closet and they would be impractical to use daily, but for hanging a very special piece they add wonderful importance and charm.......what I call "cottage sweet".

xo jana